Questions About Autoflowering

Ok well ill start on my setup, im using 6 x 21w cfl's for 1 single Low Girl Autoflowring female, 1 x Small Fan, Miracle Grow Nutes & Some organic feed. Now the questions i have are mainly from rumors i have heard. But i hear that you can run 24/7 on light scedule throught the whole grow but im wondering do i have to have the fan on 24/7 aswell if im going to have the lights on that long? And can i use nutes from the start of the grow or would it be better to wait a few weeks even tho the plant will only last 9 weeks at max id say.. Any help + REP = Me Happy :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
this is my opinion, avoid miracle grow. i used it once successfuly but its hard to control and alot of people on this site will hate you for it hahaha.
you will need a higher wattage light too those are not going to be enough to flower very much. it will be good to veg it but not for flower. dont get more clfs to flower, besides a fire hazard, they will yield very unsatisfying results. light fluffy buds and very little of it.
you should wait a couple weeks to add nutes, they are too young they might burn, DONT USE SLOW RELEASE NUTES AT ALL. use concentrated liquids.
good luck


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add nutes until you see sex. Unless they are FEM just because they show sex pretty early. Other than that...I use fans all the time, lights on or off doesn't matter.

Start slow with nutrients too...not full strength to start. Enjoy!!! :-)
Well i managed to grow a blue cheese plant on little under 200w last year so im thinking 100+ for a low girl auto will be fine am i right? If you look up the plant its pretty tiny so i honestly dont think i need more watts? And as for the miracle grow if i do use it ill use a quarter of what it tells me to use just to give the plant a boost and ill stop using it 2-3 weeks before harvest so i dont get the nastly taste off it..


Well-Known Member
I grew a plant i got from outdoor it was a foot and a half tall and used 2 42watt cfls and 2 26watters, the plant never had any nutrients wat so ever vegetating, and i used nutrients for budding the three steps from fox farms open sesame, beastie bloomz, cha ching and i got about 7 - 8 grams of nice bud. so IMO more cfls are in order, but then again i never vegged for that long either.
Emm well i might be able to add in another 2 11w cfls bacuase i dont got the money to buy any more at the moemnt, I have it under 1 21w at the moment till it gets big enough for the grow room but am i right in saying if i have enough good reflection eg tinfoil, mylar isint that just as good as having more lights?

Cody Box

I ordered autoflowering seeds off a website for my hydroponic system, and the site claims it will yeild 300g's. From anything ive looked at on here i dont see that happening. Any clue if its possible?
I ordered autoflowering seeds off a website for my hydroponic system, and the site claims it will yeild 300g's. From anything ive looked at on here i dont see that happening. Any clue if its possible?
Did it say 300g's per Squared metre? No autoflower could reach that much..
I ordered autoflowering seeds off a website for my hydroponic system, and the site claims it will yeild 300g's. From anything ive looked at on here i dont see that happening. Any clue if its possible?
I have some seeds that will do that for only$150 and they are autoflower, send me the money and i will have them in the mail

it isnt possible with autoflowers, you will be lucky to get an oz out of one. and ditch the Miracle grow when you get to real genetics.

Just kidding about the seeds

Cody Box

I have two Delicious Diavolo seeds almost 3 weeks old. They're in a hydroponic system under a 28W LED light. Any idea how soon i should be seeing flowering?