Questions about extending the life of a carbon air filter.


Active Member
At the risk of stating the obvious, air always flows via the path of least resistance. When using a larger filter and a smaller fan, assuming we're pushing through the filter (you can prorate this for pulling), air will first exit through the holes closest to the flow. As those opening are closed by the debris, or a bigger fan comes into play, air moves to the next available opening and so on. Lining the scrubber's interior with a filter will extend its life, again, when pushing. Most DIY stores sell a filter kit that includes a plastic grate of sorts. It snaps into place and it's perfect for holding the material in place against the round interior of the scrubber. With all this in mind, one is better off investing in the biggest filter he can support. It will last longer and work better. FWIW, I've used and grown with virtually every model in the Can line. Good luck.


Agree . but its all about the microns (pour size) for the amount of air to move through,also this is relevent to the carbon you buy there are a few diff carbons used for activated carbon, and ofcourse ther is diff sizes of carbon that could be purchased, So when it is said you can buy one cheeper then build one you would have to know the source type and size of the carbon used in that particular carbon filter brand to compare against the activated bulk carbon that you are looking to purchase , this is most likly why some filter last longer and do a better job absorbing , So when it is said one filter has 2 inches of carbon and the other has 1 inch , the effect might be the same if the type of carbon used with only 1 inch has a better absorbtion rate.