Questions about Feminized Seeds


Well-Known Member

I am (in the near future) going to be ordering some seeds online and had some questions about feminized seeds. I know that with feminized seeds their is a chance the plant may mature into a hermaphrodite. I was wondering if anyone knew the chance that a feminized seed would become a hermaphrodite, and also say I buy feminized seeds and have a successful female plant. If I use that plant as my mother plant and plan to clone many times off of this plant, is there a chance that the clones will mature to be hermaphrodites? Also any suggestions on reputable sites for ordering seeds to the US would be helpful, although I hear good things about Attitude and intend on ordering from there unless convinced otherwise. All help is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
attitude is great.

fem seeds really depend on the breeder and the method used. find a good breeder and roll the dice with them.

but if you already plan to keep a mother, why bother with fem? just get a pack of whatever you want, pop them, veg them out, take clones, flower the clones, then just find the mother that produced your favorite clone.

after that you'd presumably just be running clones off your mother, and since the mother is a female, the clones will all be 100% female (identical replicas of the mother(donor) plant.

edit- if the mother is a herm, then the clones will carry it as well. clones are identical to their mothers

Elite Nugz

Active Member
^^^ What JCashman said..^^^

Some breeders have better breeding practices then others. Find a solid one, with a good rep, and go with them.

As for selecting a mom. I like to select from batches of Fem seeds. Like right now, I have 10 white fire's going that were fem seeds. Im growing them all and the best, that doesnt herm, will be kept as a mother. If you want to get fancy... you can even do a little stress test to them. Give em a little stress and see if they turn on you or not. That way your sure.


Well-Known Member
this goes without saying for alot of us but just incase you dont already know if your worried about hermies stay away from dutch passion fems


Well-Known Member
I have used nothing but fems from no less than 10 breeders over the last 2 years and have never had a hermie so dont believe the hype.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hermies occur because the genetics were load of shit, not simply because it was a fem seed. I have grown out a bunch of em seeds from various breeders, GHS, seedsman, barneys, dinafem, a couple i forget, never had a hermie from them.

The only time i've ever had hermies, was from regular seeds pulled from a bag of weed.


Well-Known Member
Hermies occur because the genetics were load of shit, not simply because it was a fem seed. I have grown out a bunch of em seeds from various breeders, GHS, seedsman, barneys, dinafem, a couple i forget, never had a hermie from them.

The only time i've ever had hermies, was from regular seeds pulled from a bag of weed.
I think if your growing style involves alot of stressing the plants you might get more hermies
if youve been growing out feminized seeds for years and no hermies it might not mean that feminized don't hermie but that your good at not stressing your plants

Just a possibility I'd like to bring up before everyone declares feminized as not hermie prone(not saying they are either)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As most who know me will attest, I stress the living fuck out of my plants, i show them little love and no sympathy. If they get to harvest and yield me what i need, then i don't care about keepin on top of things or makgins sure they're happy and content.


Well-Known Member
I think if your growing style involves alot of stressing the plants you might get more hermies
if youve been growing out feminized seeds for years and no hermies it might not mean that feminized don't hermie but that your good at not stressing your plants

Just a possibility I'd like to bring up before everyone declares feminized as not hermie prone(not saying they are either)
I am not trying to be argumentitive but if you need to stress the plants to get em to hermie you cant really say they are hermie prone because they are fems. They are hermie prone because any MJ plant is hermie prone given enough stress.

Brick Top

New Member
get all my fem seeds from attitude never had hermies at all barnys ,green house also very good and dinafem never failed me
When it comes to hermie prone genetics, Green House Seeds and Barney's Farm are two losers fighting for last place. They are famous, or maybe infamous is a better word to use, for hermie prone genetics.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to hermie prone genetics, Green House Seeds and Barney's Farm are two losers fighting for last place. They are famous, or maybe infamous is a better word to use, for hermie prone genetics.
I have never grown Barneys but I have grown quite a few GHS strains with no hermies ever.


Active Member
1 you got just as much of a chance at herms with reg. beans..2 if room is an issue with keeping a mom, use a clone for that..easier to control the size/height...3 grow what you want and not the flavor of the month..4 BT hit the nail on the head..GH, Barney's and a few others are not good..due your research..5 make some friends and you'll probably get some elites for your stable..6 don't BS people..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've grown both barneys and GHS, no issue wiht either with reagrd to herm (quality of gHS is a different thing) but i've certaily heard a heck of a lot of bad things about barneys and hermies.


New Member
The few times that I have had a feminized seed produce a hermi I ended up with so few seeds it was not an issue. My record was a barney's blue cheese that produced a whopping 3 seeds.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
I have never grown Barneys but I have grown quite a few GHS strains with no hermies ever.
Me too. I've grown Great White Shark, Super Lemon Haze, Lemon Skunk, Strawberry Haze, The Church, Arjian's Haze and a couple others from GreenHouse and never one Hermie. Barney's... I've grown their LSD, Deep Chunk and Tangerine Dream and no hermie's.

Green House and Barney's arent known for hermies. Their hated because people think they pay to win the Cannabis cup as much as they do, and for that, they are disliked, and talked shit about. GreenHouse is also known for stealing other peoples creations and then pretending like they created them. But I can careless if people dont like them, because of rumors and accusations. If they have nice gear... then I want it... and they both have some nice stuff. Barney's Tangerine Dream is some f*ckin FIRE!! It puts some clone only strains to shame. Green House's Super Lemon Haze, is probably one of the best tasting strains I have ever came across, and the potency is up there if you find a good pheno. They both have great strains.

People just like to talk trash, but I guarantee, that half of these hermies are from grower error. If you want to find a good cut of something, you cant just grow out one seeds, and base your entire opinion on that. When Im looking for something, I grow out a minimum of 10 seeds, all at the same time, in the same room, to be able to pick the best out of the batch. If the genetics are unstable, or if Im searching through F2's or F3's, then I like to go through at least 15-20 seeds to find that keeper.

The only breeder that I know has a strong rep for sending out unstable genetics that have a tendency to hermie, is Subcool. But at the same time, Subcool creates some FIRE. His stuff is some of the most potent around, if your looking at the big mainstream breeders. There hasnt been a strain that I've gotten from him that hasnt been at least a 9 out of 10 on potency. All his stuff is usually really fruity tasting too. But he's also the only breeder that I've gotten solid hermies from, and his genetics seem to be the most unstable. But fire though... I currently have his Jack The Ripper (super potent, will send you soaring through the clouds if harvested at the correct time), Vortex, 3rd Dimension, Jilly Bean, and Pandora's Box.


Active Member
theoretically, there should be ZERO % chance of having a femmed seed herm if you give it optimum environmental conditions.

i, personally DO buy femmed seeds, and if it herms, then that plant wasnt meant to grow in my room. maybe it would have been great in your room, but fuck it.

Brick Top

New Member
I have never grown Barneys but I have grown quite a few GHS strains with no hermies ever.

If so you should go out and buy a lottery ticket right now because you are uber-lucky. You can't find a grow site where there are not numerous complaints about Green House Seeds turning hermie .... and not just on noobs or people with poor setups.

Their genetics are for the most part crap.

Brick Top

New Member
theoretically, there should be ZERO % chance of having a femmed seed herm if you give it optimum environmental conditions.
Did that factor in genetics? What if a strain has Chocolate Thai in it? That's famous for turning even in perfect conditions, as are a handful of Thai strains.