Questions about flowering process!! Please help! respond asap!


Active Member
ok... my appartments are coming in for inspection on the 15th so i need my plants in the dark cycle for the period they said they would be here so that i can hide them accordingly. can i start to flower when there is new grwoth on the top? new sets of leaves just poking out like little spikes. is there a specific time i should switch light cylce?? what is flushing?? do i have to flush? basically i need to know what is important to remember when start flwoering. plants are month and 1 week old ish. grwoing like nuts!


Active Member
i wish i had more time to figure this out but time is runing out.. i know light changes are verry specific so i want to nail this.


Well-Known Member
How many plants? 15th is a week away, just hide your plants the day of the inspection, and take them back out after they leave.
Where do you plan on hiding them?


Active Member
i have them in a 35 gal tupperware tub.. im going to put another tub on top upside down and tape it up and wrap it in birthday wrapping paper so it looks like a present and they dont ask questions. 4 plants. i know i gotta hide them the day of i just dont know what to do to flower... do i just change light schedual and thats that??


Active Member
u dont have to answer my questions and im not trying to be a dick.. im just sick of research,,, some say this.. some say that.. ihave a compulsive issue with making my own descison.. i just want an aswer from somewone... to much info on this place....


Active Member
If the visit isn't going to be that long you could just switch your lights off when they aren't there, half an hour without light shouldn't do too much damage.


Well-Known Member
Since you wanna take the lazy way out ill help you out a Lil. You never wanna flip to flower till your stem is atleast as thick as your thumb. As far as new growth coming out the top that doesn't matter. Flushing really? There's a ton of info here about it. You also can't expect people to help with incomplete info. Are you hydro or soil. I think more research is needed.


Active Member
lazy way out?? i have seen grows on this site that turned out really well and they start flowering when the stem is no thicker than a penci.... would it be a big deal if it wasnt as thick as my thumb? im not lazy by the way i take offence to that. im just ignorant and i dont know what to do... if ur willing to explain how to top and what not and whatever else im missing feel free to enlighten me cuz im all ears. i want nothing but best for these bitches. :)


Well-Known Member
Just flip them to flower whenever you are ready. They are 5 weeks old, so should be mature enough. Be aware that they will double (or more) in size within a couple of weeks of switching them over, so if this will be a problem, don't switch them until after your inspection.

It's best to run the lights at night if possible, to help with heat, but other than that, don't sweat the details on timings and such. Just set them to 12/12 and watch them explode.


one day isn't gonna do a whole hell of alot. not getting caught is way more importand than leaving ur girls in the dark for a day. some people say that if you give them a full day of darkness when you swith the light cycle it makes them flower faster idk i wouldn't worry about it. a lot of people make growing this plant way to complecated. Keep it simple and experement with different things and learn on your own thats what i'm doin and its worked so far. Good luck


Well-Known Member
one day isn't gonna do a whole hell of alot. not getting caught is way more importand than leaving ur girls in the dark for a day. some people say that if you give them a full day of darkness when you swith the light cycle it makes them flower faster idk i wouldn't worry about it. a lot of people make growing this plant way to complecated. Keep it simple and experement with different things and learn on your own thats what i'm doin and its worked so far. Good luck
Took the words right out of my mouth ....... ;)


Active Member
thx guys. obvioulsly just nervous... this growin is kinda a wierd emotional experience.. not trying to make it complicated i just wnat it done right..


Well-Known Member
Hey danvan,

would love some pics of your setup...did you really mean 5 100W hps?

what are you doing for odor control? ona works pretty good but i think the best bet is to pony up for a good carbon filter it's one of your most critical tools...cause not getting caught is the most important part.

is there anyway you can move them plants to a buddys place for a day? that would be the best thing....or if you have a storage unit in the basement, keep it right under their noses...

Keep it safe.



Active Member
yes at wally i found hps bulbs that fit into regular socket and 100w a piece. i have 5 of them and i would run the cfls as well. the grow room is in a closet. i plan on getting some velchro and some black plastic and velcrowing the plastic to seal the closet shut inside the doors. i will cut out 2 holes for my fans one going in and one going out. where can i find a carbon filter besides net? otherwise i was going to just put a shit load of fabric softenr sheets on the fan going out to filter the smell.. unfortunatley the only guy i nkow in this complex has inspection same day as me so that wont work and all my family/friends are 2 hours north of me. no storage basement but good idea!! the plants are in a 35gal tupperwhere as u can see and im going to put another one upside donw on top of it and tape it up real nice and the wrap it in birthday rapping paper so it looks like a harmless present. saftey is definatlye key!! btw.. ihad an accident today.. my roomate went into the closet the plants are in to get our water pipe and they were exposed to light for about 5 mins bucause he forgot we switche to flower this morning, think that is a big deal?