Questions about growing in attic.


Im gonna grow weed in my attic. (its winter and cold outside. like 30s and 40s) But when i go up to my attic, it is as warm and any other part of the house. I know this is a good thing, but i am worried about the smell. In my attic i feel air circulating all around, as in cool air. My attic is closed tight but i was wondering, when the scent gets strong, will it seep through the vents into the house. like will people be able to tell that there is a weed scent?


Well-Known Member
with no odor control the answer is yes.
my freind had 4 mazar growing in his attic when in full flower if the breeze was in the right direction i could smell it on his doorstep when i arived.

growem green------------spike.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I don't know, but I was thinking that you could light a ton of incense in your attic and shut it up tight, then walk around your house and see if you can smell it at all.
Also, if you set up a good exhaust system with a carbon scrubber, it would help a lot.