Questions about hermies


Active Member
So, I am bummed. Got 4 hermies. I've know this for a while. Here's the long story, tried to make short:

Details and specifics:
Growing Autos: (2) AK-47, (2) White Russian.

Soil, 2 gallon bags. Using FF Big 3. Feed 1 liter of water each, every other day. They get nutes every other watering.

400 Watt HPS, cool tube. pretty stable environment with a couple of small minor detals. Temps through flowering has been a constant 71 deg. RH is low at about 30%.

As of today, plants are 65 Days from Seed. They are very healthy, and budding very nicely. Thick, sticky, full of trichs. I'm estimating about 3/4 oz (dry) per plant, maybe more on the AK's.

The story:

So at day 28 (days are from seed) all plants had been identified as female and transplanted into the 2 gal bags. I gave my plants a huge drink and went on vacation. I set up an automatic watering system....which failed because I set the timer incorrectly. ( stoner fault...not the issue - i even tested it for days). Came back a week later to still green plants in desperate need of a drink. They were not dead, but very droopy.(but when i was gone for that week, they shot up about 8-10".

They got a nice healthy drink with nutes, they popped up, and went on about their way. I only got 2 dead fan leaves out of 4 it wasnt bad ( i was about 12 hours from "bad")

Couple weeks later, noticed the seed pods. So I've known now for about 2 weeks. All 4 plants hermed. I'll deal with it. And I'm going to smoke it. I've tasted a few of the popcorn buds, and they work just fine. This is a personal medical grow.

The question(s):

So I've got hermied buds that need to be cut, cured, and smoked by me. This is my first grow.(obviously).

Do you have an opinion on when to chop these plants? The White Russians have about 1/4 red pistils and very crystalized.

Are these pods going to develop true seeds? Or do hermies just try to focus energy in producing seed pods that never get hit with pollen-and hence, just end up with little bags taking up space in the bud. I guess i need a botany lesson here.

Or would you chop at the normal time, as if it were quality female bud, and just go on with the normal process?

So -Chop early before seeds have a chance to get big?

Or - let it go, and deal with seeds, and do better on the next grow (which has already started - 4 more seeds already popped out of the dirt)

I have 3 potential ideas for what might have caused these to go herm.

1) The seeds were a little old. i had them in a cool dry place for about a 10-12 months. (needed to get my room ready and think on it a while)

2) The drought caused some serious stress freaking them out...try to make seeds for survival in tough times.

3) Right after the drought, these plants were in flower, 4 weeks old - They were stinking up my house. went and got a carbon filter, 6" can fan -and started moving some air.

when i added the ventilation (this is right after the drought) the temps went from about a steady 85-87, down to about 71 lights, 68 dark. has stayed steady since then.

OK - i know this is long winded. I've learned a ton from you all. I'd love some advice on what to do with these buds, when to chop em, and what you think might have triggered this on all 4 of these otherwise healthy, gorgeous plants.

Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
try some of the seeds you get, watch em closely, maybe youll be lucky and get seeds that didnt get the hermie bred into them.


Well-Known Member
Pluck em off as you find em, you can still have alot of bud that doesnt get seeded, just spend some time checking them over.


Active Member
well now i'm second guessing myself. i wish i could get some pics up, cuz i'm puzzled. I'm gonna try and figure that out and get an opinion from y'all. thanks for those responses.


Active Member
yes thats a damn hermie kill it.. it looks like its the kind that is a genetic herm as well if so all the seeds from that plant will herm ... kill it start over total lose ...

stop feeding that damn thing and get started on next crop..


Active Member
so i snapped some pix.

the garden - plant on left is the Auto AK- about 20" tall.

the AK bud

I tried to snap a good close up. changed the dpi down to 72. I have not posted pix before, so i dont know exactly how they will appear until i check my thread.

pic 3 is one of the pods on the stem

pic 4 is a cluster of pods near the bottom of a big bud.



Well-Known Member
That to me just looks like some nice bud!!!

If you are absolutely concerned, I'd say pinch one off and see if there is a seed in it. But otherwise, that is how it should look! Nice and fat like it wants to be boned by a male, except that there is no male to be found, then you smoke that phat little pistil.


Well-Known Member
Hey Legs, sup. For sure the scond set of picks look real nice. I've had plants herm on me early and i just kept plucking them off, finally it stopped herm'n, i didnt get alot of seeds.

On asmall grow you can really keep an eye on em and catch thefuckers as they pop.

anyway, good luck! hit me up sometime when you need some advice


Active Member
Thanks to all who replied. i was in such a good mood last night after getting your "congrats...its a girl" messages i didnt go into the garden.

Today i started to flush. They're at day 60, scheduled for 70. I hit them with nutes 2 days ago. today with plain h20 and some molassas.

But when i was in there i got curious...plucked one of those pods...sure enough a young white seed. no question about it.

Now I'm no botanist, but i've been scouring (not posting) this thread for a year, and learning a ton. I never saw a male flower in that garden past day. I started 5 seeds, got 4 fems, killed 1 male

so i dont know where those male flowers were, but I had a pretty good watch on these plants. never spotted them. Anyone know of a good site that has "botany/biology" of the hermie condition as it pertains to MJ? id like to get a bit more education on the subject.

It's not a total wash. I learned a ton about growing, (setting timers), nutes and patience. And it was fun watching them grow. I can always smoke joints and it will do its job just fine.

thanks again all -


Well-Known Member
Just Google "causes of hermaphrodite plants" or "hermaphrodite botany" etc. You'll find several articles with lots of botany mumbo jumbo... some of it even info! :lol: :D
Hi dudes,
Long time watcher, first time posting thread so go easy on me!!

Anyway got a few pictures that I would like your expert opinions on please.

I am not sure if this plant is ;- A) male B) Hermi C) none of the above and I am worrying about nothing...........Please be C!!!!!

They are feminized cheese from greenhouse and have been in 12/12 for exactly one week.

I am not usually the kind of person to ask for help but.......HELP!!!!

