questions about motherplants and clones


Well-Known Member
Is there a guide to keeping mother plants? I think I really need a guide of some sort, links are welcome!
  • I realize you have to keep them in veggie stage but wouldn't you have to top them to keep them from outgrowing your grow-space.
  • Is there a limit to how many clones you can take overtime without harming the genetics of the strain?
  • If clones are taken how many can I take, and which ones are ideal to leave.
  • How long does it take for a clone to get to flowering?
  • How long till they grow back? (new clones to cut)
  • Since they are clones do they stay female?
Thanks :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I can answer some of your questions.
Yes, they do stay female if the mother is female.
Bud sites/clones grow back at different rates depending on the plant but 2-4 weeks before some growth is available.
The clone is sexually mature so it should be bale to go into flower quickly and easily but his depends on the strain. And AK-48 I had showed sex ina week, a haze I had took 2-3 weeks.
No you can take clones based on the plants production of viable bud sites as they branch out nad replace themselves.
Yes you will have to top and prune you mother to keep her under control in the space you've provided.

Maybe others can share. I answered in reverse order.
Be well,


Well-Known Member
I can try and answer some of your other questions for you. The best places to take your cuttings are the lower branches as they have more of the rooting hormones available to the cutting. Taking the top new growth will probably root but it can take more time for it to happen. As far as how many cuttings can you take at any given time, you need to leave enough growth on the plant so that it can continue to grow at a decent pace. I personally would not take more than half of the branches off a plant at any one time. I don't know how much fact this contains but it is just my preferrence for the plant health and continued rapid growth. Hope this helps and gives you a little more to think about in the future. Happy Growing