Questions About The Pot Choppers


Well-Known Member
Alright this is my first time growing outdoor and ive never grown anywhere near the weight im growing this time. Ive grown indoor before and grew about 2 self smoke plants however ive got two of my friends that wanna grow so im growing two sets of plants each person wants about 100-125 plants outdoors weve all got the seeds to make it happen but im kinda worried about the choppers

how easy could they pick up a field of 100 plants in New york and what are the odds they are flying over upstate new york. Now im nto growing on my proprety but its about a football field away from the proprety lin

I think we may have to many plants to be growing outside but they both want to go through with it and after hearing about these coppers alot im getting nervous. Theres about 400 acres around the plants of forest and jungle shit but the spot im growing has this big opening above it. Its like a random field with no trees about half a football field it has about 4 foot tall grass and shit growing on it. i cleared that out and were planting this weekend but im just wondering the chances and how easy it would be for them to find it.


Well-Known Member
big mistake....never clear fields. never make paths. they glow like neons looking from the air.

grow in patches, never grow in lines, or circles..... do a few plants here, a few plants there.

and regarding a problem you may not be aware of....i always do my dirt by my lonely......

you sure you can trust your 2 friends?


Well-Known Member
yerr, 100 - 125plants each... so your gonna have over 300+plants scattered all over?

its gonna be hard for you to space em correctly, and yes ive learnt cant trust anyone in this line of work.

i reckon if you do it, do like 10 - 15 plants in spots but you will need to spread em enough to not be visible from each of the other spots, as if one is found and they can see it from there! say goodbye to all your time, work, effort AND WEED!


Well-Known Member
You will need a barn or something to hang them in after harvest. Outdoor plants can be 7 ft. tall. It would take a couple of weeks or more of 10 hour shifts to trim 100 outdoor plants after they've dried. The smell will travel for 1/2 a mile as we are talking about dozens of pounds of weed. Finally if you happen to get busted you are looking at a Federal manditory minimum sentence. Just playing devils advocate here.


Well-Known Member
ive got two friends i can trust im positive about that. grown indoor with one once. the stuffs in my backyard but iput it right past the proprety line so if a pot chopper finds it then therse no proof its mine. i wanted to scatter them around but i didnt want to have to walk all around to water them and i didnt want to forget where one is.

however its not worth getting caught by pot choppers so i think im going to plant 15 here and then another 15 in another place

yes ill have about 300 plants

and dont worry about the barn ive got a big ass barn workshop thing in my backyard from the previous owner. and im aware the work for drying will be rough

however have any of you guys had any experience getting caught by the choppers or know anyone who has

and i was aware not to make paths i take different routes everytime no trail markers nothing of the sort when im working on the soil and the compost however when i said clearing it out i meant i took the grass out there was like 4 foot tall grass all growing up in there so i ripped the grass out then rototilled the soil then shoveled some out and put on the good soil and compost.

but basically i wanna know how easy a chopper could detect a field of 100 plants


Well-Known Member
Sounds a bit to risky if you ask me. Let me give you a little advice. Fly solo. Don't involve anyone in your grow. And copters will be able to detect 100 plants very easily. Keep it to a certain amount and spread em out. Don't bite off more than you can chew. There are people trained to notice these grows from the skies.



Well-Known Member
screw your friends grow on your own like the others said scatter the plants. dont tell anyone. if you plan on that many plants maybe plant 10 in this area and 15 over here and maybe 10 over here.

another way to put it dont put all your eggs in one basket. and would you trust your friends to hold a basket overflowing with eggs and about to drop. no. scatter them.


Well-Known Member
This has bad idea all over it ,no TERRIBLE idea! If you do grow 300 plants in an open field you will get busted. Hell if you grow 100 plants in one spot you will be fucked. Have you seen brown dirt warriors videos? A pot chopper spots one of his gardens with like 25 plants in it! Watch his video's before you go any further. Don't get greedy!

YouTube - Marijuana Prohibition - Episode 1


Well-Known Member
im going to break it down into 20-25 plots around with 10-15 plants each

and if the friends rip me off then thats my bad and ill learn from it but im not worried about them ripping me off im confident that they wont but if they do fuck me over then lesson learned


Well-Known Member
Even if you break it up into seperate plots, then if they find one then they will search for more. Just make sure you dont leave any traces that you were there. You'd be amazed what they can find to incriminate you.


Well-Known Member
im more or less worried there going to find my plants i really hate the choppers finding my plants im worried about that more thne anything


Well-Known Member
Look I'm just gonna be the asshole who comes out and says it: this plan is moronic.

1) You're almost guaranteed to get arrested, just from the pure quantity that you're trying to grow, whether it's from the choppers or any number of other sources. And, when you do, you'll get a massive mandatory minimum sentence, which equates to your life being totally ruined.
2) Even if you don't get arrested during the growing, you are SO very fucked when you have to unload like 100 lbs of weed. Even if you're a dealer now, I HIGHLY doubt you deal on any scale even remotely close to that level. You'd either get arrested trying to unload it (most likely), not be able to unload it all, or you'd get involved with some real criminals which is just as shitty (gangs or whatever).
3) You've grown a bit before. That's great, but it does not mean you're capable of caring for 300 plants (even with 2 friends). You WILL miss at least one male and end up with seeded bud, and you WILL run into other widespread problems. I'm not questioning your intelligence or abilities as a grower or anything of the sort; it's a matter of experience. I doubt there are many successful commercial growers who went from a 2 plant indoor grow to a 300+ plant grow the next year. And even if the plants don't all die or end up as seeded schwag ditchweed, you'll have a bitch of a time harvesting it all, as was previously pointed out.

So, as a fellow RIU member, I'm begging you to cut your plan WAAAY down. The last thing we need is one more person in jail for a marijuana offense.


Well-Known Member
Look I'm just gonna be the asshole who comes out and says it: this plan is moronic.

1) You're almost guaranteed to get arrested, just from the pure quantity that you're trying to grow, whether it's from the choppers or any number of other sources. And, when you do, you'll get a massive mandatory minimum sentence, which equates to your life being totally ruined.
2) Even if you don't get arrested during the growing, you are SO very fucked when you have to unload like 100 lbs of weed. Even if you're a dealer now, I HIGHLY doubt you deal on any scale even remotely close to that level. You'd either get arrested trying to unload it (most likely), not be able to unload it all, or you'd get involved with some real criminals which is just as shitty (gangs or whatever).
3) You've grown a bit before. That's great, but it does not mean you're capable of caring for 300 plants (even with 2 friends). You WILL miss at least one male and end up with seeded bud, and you WILL run into other widespread problems. I'm not questioning your intelligence or abilities as a grower or anything of the sort; it's a matter of experience. I doubt there are many successful commercial growers who went from a 2 plant indoor grow to a 300+ plant grow the next year. And even if the plants don't all die or end up as seeded schwag ditchweed, you'll have a bitch of a time harvesting it all, as was previously pointed out.

So, as a fellow RIU member, I'm begging you to cut your plan WAAAY down. The last thing we need is one more person in jail for a marijuana offense.

i appreciate the assholes it keeps it into perspective so i dont lose sight of reality. At first my intial plan was two plots of about 100 plants however i realized that is moronic. one missed male, someone finds it i lose that entire plot. so then i decided to break it down into plots of 10. im going to have 16 plots of 10-15 plants.

missing the males im not really worried about i have easy access to this and could get out anytime. Ill be out there 2-3 hours a day to insure i dont miss anything. Ive got a fence up around it to stop deer and animals.

and about unloading it thats the one part im not worried about. I live in upstate new york and i know 8-9 guys that buy 4-5 ounces every other day. They then sell it lower down the chain. The guy im growing with that had been growing for 7 years sold over 30 pounds last year.

so between selling to them and smoking it and then only half of its mine im pretty set on unloading it. Ive got a giant barn to dry it in. Its in about 400 acres of woods in the middle of the hicks theres no one that goes out through there or anything so im not that worried and if they did theres nothing hey could do as i planted it off the proprety line on someone elses.


Well-Known Member
hey man dont let the haters get ya down..... 400 acres is massive plenty of room to hide 50 patches or so with 3-4 plants in each patch..... but i would get something that flowers early so u arent out there in october harvesting when all plants are dead and u stand out.... i would also buy a hand held gps to mark patches .....good luck:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
If you are doing this to make a living you're better off getting a minimum wage job, after all of the hours of time and also the money invested it pays less than minimum wage. Not to mention the potential years in a federal penitentiary. However, if you are simply trying to make a little cash I can understand.

In that case, DON'T GET GREEDY. Plain and simple. You'd be surprised at how much benefit there is to having a slightly smaller scale grow. Try it out this year with maybe 7 plots of 10-15 plants. With a minimum OZ per plant, that's a minimum 70 ounces, which calculates down to 4.375 LBs. You can easily sell an ounce of decent bud for $150 wholesale, which adds to 2400 per LB. 4.375 x $2400 = 10500.

That's a lot of extra income. Be happy with that seeing as how that is a minimum. It's not worth the risk of prison time for extra bud and $. Get a job.


Active Member
can we see some pictures of your site?! and how its setup and everything. but i would deff not go with all them. just have plots of 4-5 plants. and i agree with Yeah. dont go that big as you in much greater risk of being arrested. is it worth being in jail for a very long time for an extra 30,000? that number would probly be your bail price :]


Well-Known Member
If I were in the same situation.. ;) I would focus on making monster plants that you can hide grow 15 females and LST them to get rid of that christmas tree look and to keep a low profile. If you get good soil and water to them all you can bet on 6oz plants. That will be 90oz and should be plenty for a year of hardcore smoking. Don't be a douche and grow for profit it's just not worth it. For me life of seeing my family/girlfriends/pets camping hunting swimming etc. is a hell of alot better than staring at cinder blocks for 10 years.

The money you save from not buying smoke should be saved or invested... This is a much better way to get rich if you save 2 grand at 21years old and slowly add to it you will be well off. Put as much passion into your career as you would growing, the laws blow but sometimes you just have to be humble.