Questions First Indoor Grow.


Active Member
hey RIU, so basically i have an 8 x 12 room and i also have a 1000 watt halide/hps light and in the end i need to produce 24 plants for my patients. Will one light do the trick for 24 plants in that amount of space? Thanks:peace:


Active Member
For that amount of space and that number of plants, you'll need more light than what a single 1000 watt HPS/MH combo will produce. I would suggest purchasing another 1000 watt lamp and even give consideration to installing a light mover. They're not cheap, but if you want to give ample light to such a wide canopy you'll need to upgrade. With so many patients depending on you, I wish you the best of luck.


Active Member
I suppose it also depends on the style of grow you have chosen. If you used the SOG or SCROG methods and kept the canopy compact, I suppose you could get decent results from one HID fixture for that number of plants. But with access to such a large area (8X12), why not add more light and vegetate the plants a little longer.


Active Member
Yea a little tight on money now and so i am going to have to do sog this time, was just wondering if any other growers had luck wiht that amount of plants on one thousand watt. right now the plants are only little clones about 3 inches tall i have the light about 4 ft above them do you think i should higher it?


Active Member
I keep young clones and seedlings under florescent lighting until they're well rooted. HID lights produce too much heat and light for immature plants with underdeveloped root systems. Seedlings and clones need high humidity and they'll dry out real quick under a 1000w bulb. Stick them under some T8 or T5 florescent aquarium lights and they'll be as happy as pigs in shit. Plus you'll save lots on your electricity bill. Once the young ladies are thriving, veg them under your HID. When it comes time to begin flowering, purchase more light if you have some spare change. Your ladies will thank you for it.