Questions for Mdma Users


Well-Known Member
So tomorrow is DEMF.. but I drug test 3 times this week for some bullshit. My buddy has some shards.. i saw them and they are nice amber brownish tan almost clear rocks. I was wondering if i would be able to take this and safely pass a 5 panel drug test.. It is from accutest. They test for
THC, Benzos, methamphetamines, opiates, and i thinkkk methadone but im not sure yet

Ellis Dee

Active Member
It can test positive for 'Methamphetamine', no 's' on that. If your getting tested 3 times don't risk it. Who knows, you may past the first on and get caught on the second one; its happened before.

Just wait, you got caught; take your lumps.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif]Detection periods: Ecstasy can be detected in the urine up to 2-4 days after use at common levels.

I`d say its not worth the risk.

Booze up instead, it would be a shame if you got caught :)

Or depending on your night and availability take some other drug like acid instead, I`m assuming they don`t test for that.




bud bootlegger
i wouldn't risk it either, but what i would do is take some of that lovely mdma shards and put it in the mail, and slap the name racerboy all over the front of the envelope, and drop it in the box, the mailman knows me well and it will get here just fine... thank you kindly, lol..

but seriously, nah, i wouldn't risk it, and i've heard that mdma can show up for methamphetimines sometimes .... if you had some quick fix or something like that to switch out with, i'd say go for it, otherwise, i'd have to say it's not worth it..
like stated before lsd would be safer no piss test for it are we talking state probation watch you pee if not most head shops have quick fix in a box synthetic urine got me through high school ( catholic prep ) they didn't like me

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Maybe you could piss before you took it, enough that you could have it for the three piss tests and preserve it some how.

I don't know if they have a cop standing over your shoulder though, so.


Well-Known Member
well I just tested the other day which was my first time.. my initial.. plus one more time for my color which is once a week. Plusss it is memorial weekend so i will have to test on tuesday...


Well-Known Member
It's not worth it. I've been there and done that.... luckily passed 2 days later... but It's not worth the worry and trouble. You wouldn't fully enjoy the buzz because you'd be thinking about how to get it out of your system. RCs and psychedelics are the way to go in this situation.


Well-Known Member
hmm er im having such a hard time with this. i figure if my color gets called tomorrow i will for sure because then i wont have to drop again until tuesday...


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure but I think MDMA will show up as meth on a test. Mushrooms don't show up on a 5 panel. You could do that.

I have a story about this that may be illuminating.

My girlfriend rarely smoked pot. She was unemployed and she and I sat down to a bowl in our backyard. It was a pleasant afternoon. The next day she got called for a job and was expected to pee in a cup that very day.

On the questionnaire they had her fill out, they asked her if she had smoked marijuana in the last week. She is not the lying type and she marked the yes box.

She was provisionally hired that day, when the test results came back the personnel department encountered a dilemma. She had admitted to smoking weed, but the test results came back negative.

The VP of the company wound up making a decision for them, no matter what she SAID, if she didn't test positive there were no grounds to let her go. (I thought it was a great story)

Smoking on occasion will not necessarily trip a positive, even if you test the following day. . . but you had better be immaculate otherwise.


Active Member
i have had many friends in the same boat. i would suggest getting a wizzinator and enjoying your life without worrying.