Questions for T5 bay users


Well-Known Member
How far into veg can you use a T5 bay?

Is there enough penetration for a 5 to 6 week veg to get a bushy plant?

How far do the T5's penetrate?

Would you be able to do 9 plants in 1 gallon pots under 4' x 4' T5 bay (432 watts) for 6 weeks and have them look real good?

Would I be better off with a 400/600 watt mh?

thx :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
"t-5's are great"

Are you possibly Tony the Tiger? Can I get some Frosted Flakes with that reply please?


Is this your answer? Not to be rude but why bother posting? More elaboration maybe? A thought out response that takes more than 5 seconds maybe?

8000 posts and climbing!! 8)


Well-Known Member
t5s are nice but the 8 bulb dont have much space 9 one gal will not fit i got 6 per 4 bulb fixture and 5 week veg i use 2 4' 4 bulb t5s in a 4x4 tent i wish i'd have started with two 8 bulb badboys so if you got the cash go that way it'll pay off.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the reply clown. It's all I asked for 8)

Hey Robert........nice PM you sent me. So neanderthal of you. But unlike you I will tell you to go fuck yourself in public. It's has so much more meaning than a PM.
I just hooked up the 8 bulb T5 from HTG SUpply and cant believe how much heat I am saving. I have 12 OG Kush clones coming tuesday and this will be a great place to start them off and finish wih 2/400 HPS.


Well-Known Member
thx for the reply J o C. It seems like they are good for the first 2 or 3 weeks and then you would need deeper light penetration to grow nice bushes.

This is why I asked here. I figured someone with experience would easily be able to answer my questions.


Well-Known Member
thx for the reply J o C. It seems like they are good for the first 2 or 3 weeks and then you would need deeper light penetration to grow nice bushes.

This is why I asked here. I figured someone with experience would easily be able to answer my questions.
you are good for more than 2-3 weeks HO t5s don't have the penetration of MH but they do ok for 12-18" you can have them much closer so they get more light


Well-Known Member
Oooooo that is exactly what I was looking for clowny :hump:

12" to 18" is pretty darn good for fluorescent lights. I guess if you kept them low and bushy it might work well enough. Good to know man, thx a bunch :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
no prob

get any more than 18 the bottom leaves die off on the bushier and broader leafed strains.

the 8 bulb badboy are the way to go a friend has some and they smoke my 4 bulb sunblaze and are the same size almost, double the watts and a bit more heat though
Yea you could try it. - the 9 gallons I mean. My entire veg room is under a 436 t5 and its amazing how bushy they get after the 1 1/2th foot mark. But ya t5's are the best thing i've ever vegged with. Obviously depends how leafy your strain is on the penetration. And how you train them of course.