Questions from New England Grower.


First time grower here, started growing back in late march and 2 others in the beginning of April. Well Long story short my plants have been successful for me though I felt like it was a challenge I believe I did a swell job.

Now here's my question two of my plants the ones started in early April :peace: are in flower. Probably for about approx 40 days.They are stunted big time. The surrounding buds are full and sticky and the plants in question look good but the buds are just really small. Is there anythiing I can do to beef them up? I heard molasses I might try that. I would like to speed up the flowering process.

Most of my plants I would like to harvest in between the 15th and the 22nd. But the plants in question I am planning Oct31 a Halloween harvest.

The first two pics are the plants that I am worried about. The rest are just for you guys.




Well-Known Member
I'm not sure you can do much at this stage that would make a noticeable difference. Some plants just come out that way because of growing conditions. Usually plants like that didn't get enough light or have poor root development. As a New Eng neighbor I can testify to the terrible grow season here; thank god I'm growing indoors, bud-rot must be rampant. Anyway, enjoy your fruits and Happy Halloween.


Well-Known Member
Also for your kind answers cleavage :)

nice.... the plant looks good. I think it should grow a bit more between now and mid october. just give it time. I have a couple that are smaller like that, and I'm happy with them.

maybe some molasses. other than that, looking good :blsmoke:

. is the cleavage yours ??:joint: