Questions on Mosquito Dunks


I have a water feature pond with small waterfalls placed in my living, giving out soothing tinkling sound. However, I hv to turn the pump off when I sleep as I'm a very sensitive sleeper to be woken by the tinkling sound. Sounds do travel very sharp in the still night. I don't close the bedroom door to be more airy. Despite water is moving in the day but water remain still in the night as the pump is off, I found larvae. These larvae apparently able to survive as they found its way to stay at the corners of still water where moving water can't reach there.

I read abt the dunks, bought some and put it at the corners. It does its job but somehow it breaks up into too many fine granules that became so unsightly. It sticks and sits on lily pads, plants, rocks, etc. As water evaporates, it sticks to the sides of the pond so much so became a nuisance to the sight. Took me 2 hrs to clear it up. A back breaking job.

Now I'm thinking of putting the dunk in a 5 liter container, let it soak, and pour over to the pond with a fine netting at the sprout to keep granules away. Top up and repeat process as necessary.

I learned that people also using this method for watering the plants, putting over soil etc. But hv not come across using sterilised water (ie dunk water) to top up pond. I wrote to Summit Chemical describing my method. They didn't address the workability of my method but mentioned the best way is still to float the dunks in the actual pond. Perhaps they prefer to be conservative and rely on tested and proven method.

Qty of dunks is calculated over water surface area. I'm lost as to how much dunks is needed to put in my container.

Also, can anyone advise on their experience whether transferring sterilised water works? As I pour over, the water in the container and pond will be agitated. Will the released bti continue to stay afloat at the top water surface in the pond since the water is disturbed? Sorry this may sounds too technical a question as I'm one that wish to understand details to know how things work. Or am just worry too much for nothing. Or heck it, just use trial and error and see results !

Note: dunks work by releases bti that stays afloat and skim across the top water surface. We cant see it. Larvae dies when they ingest it. That is why we should not submerge the dunks but just let it float.

Sorry for the long post.
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I’m sorry I can’t really relate or even help
I sleep with a box fan blasting and if it’s silent I do not sleep
Thus sleep apps as needed
Your English is good but I feel you are not in America
Without specifics it’s hard to help
But WELCOME TO RIU :hug: :weed:
I’m sorry I can’t really relate or even help
I sleep with a box fan blasting and if it’s silent I do not sleep
Thus sleep apps as needed
Your English is good but I feel you are not in America
Without specifics it’s hard to help
But WELCOME TO RIU :hug: :weed:

Tks for the welcome. I'm fr Singapore. A tiny red dot. I hv re phased it. Hope its better.
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I don't need a stronger activator. The dunk helps as I noticed it got rid of larvae. Just need to control the granules spreading all over. I believed your recommendation is the tiny bits. More for soil and planting area. Not ideal for pond
This is a liquid product that doesn't have any bits. No granules to deal with at all. Just add a few drops. It's made for ponds!
My father always had large tanks when i was a kid but never remembered him talking about problems with such things
Pandawan is there another use for the microbe lift. Just wondering why petco. Petco around here have fishtank supplies but not pond.
It's for ponds if you get it at petco. Some stores have more than others. But most probably have a section for that stuff. For like Coy Ponds and shit.
Hi all, am fr Singapore. I hv checked and unfortunately Microbe Lift not available here. Maybe it’s an import licence thing, troublesome it get or just not popular. The delivery charges seems quite ex. But dunks is abundantly available.
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Hi all, am fr Singapore. I hv checked and unfortunately Microbe Lift not available here. Maybe it’s an import licence thing, troublesome it get or just not popular. The delivery charges seems quite ex. But dunks is abundantly available.
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) liquid products, other than dunks and bits, are probably restricted, like Canada.
Liscenced applicators only and permits for treatment, they don't want people dumping it in local ponds and waterways if it's cheap.
They usually have municipal workers apply it in storm drains, stagnant standing water in urban areas.

Just put the dunks in a mesh bag with a rock on top, put it under the waterfall. No more floating cork bits.