questions on nutes!!

has anybody had success with foliage nutes instead of watering your plants with them? if so how about dyna gros 9-3-6? I wanted to try it out on my plant instead of putting it in the soil with water does this stop ph fluctuation of soil? im a soil grower thanks!!


Active Member
I wouldn't, all chemical fertilizers use salt as the catalyst so you'd essentially be putting salt on your leaves. I won't say that this is the first time I've heard of such a thing but plants do their nutrient uptake through the roots.


Well-Known Member
Don't foliar feed in flowering. You can do this in veg just before lights on as stomata is still open with cooler temps. You really should feeding in the soil with water and nutes, the foliar feed is not enough.
I go with neptunes harves organic fish blend right now and im just trying to stop the ph fluctuation of the soil so I figured I would ask some experts still a noob only my 4th grow

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What soil? Has it been amended with dolomite lime?
How are you checking it?
pH in soil fluctuates naturally. What are you feeding with?

Pic's help a lot!!!

If a plant Gets nutrition from the soil through water ("eats") from it's roots. What happens to that plant and roots when the roots stop getting moisture and the soil dry's up?
I think if you answer that question correctly. Then you will have the answer to your first question.

So then, back to the top and lets figure out whats going on with the soil.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Dr.who has the right idea. if growing in soil, you want to feed that soil,not the plant. if growing in a soiless medium, foliage pro is the best choice, but as a regular feed,not as a foliar.
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the soil is organic choice an is made of peat moss an other natural stuff an I feed with neptunes harvest organic fish fertilizer an when I fed it last it went crazy started growing good an now all a of the sudden 1 1/2 weeks later (Now) its slowing growth dramatically the ph is 7.3 7.4 I have a digital tester to tell and also im starting to get white tips on the end of my leaves idk whaat that's from an I will post pics asap the sites having difficulties on letting me. my soil drys up typically in a day an a half also I have some brown spots on the leaves all this recent