questions on scripts


Well-Known Member
alright so i been prescribed kpins for over a year now. everytime i go back to the doc i complain that they arent working i still get attacks and my anxiety is still there. he finally just recently upped me to 1mg i was on .5 for most that time. and now hes saying the kpins are to help me sleep. i complain about that too i mean look at the time. and now he is giving me lexapro for anxiety. i told him i dont feel comfortable taking that ive done it before. he just said to try it anyway.... i want stronger stuff and possibly a sleep aid like ambien but my doctor seems like he isnt listening. am i saying something wrong?


Well-Known Member
no, but your going to the wrong doctor. lol. seriously though, if your doctor wont listen to a word you say like this get a new one.this one obviously doesnt care about you, he just wants his kickbacks from lexapro and the others most likely he's not worth your time and money!


Well-Known Member
thanks. i wanted a new doc but im only 19 and fresh out the house i dont really know how to go about getting one, at first i just thought he was cautious cuz he was the one who refered me to rehab. but my gf just recently started going cuz she has real nad anxiety issues also.

he did the same thing to her. pushed the lexapro and gave her 1mg kpin. she says he doesnt ask questions or anything.

you literally spend 2 hours waiting for him and then your visit is like that from reqiuem for a dream when the grandma goes to the doc...

so yeah long story short how do i get a new doc.

does anyone know if kpin or even xanax are used with ambien? i need something stronger than what i got now but he just wont listen


Active Member
if you have a dr thats giving out scripts of klonies and not piss testing you be happy.most narcotics come with pee test.that can fuck things all up.i had a dr take my klonies because of thc was off 3 months then i got a new dr.


Well-Known Member
yeah, ive been on most mental illness meds(couldnt think of a better term) and never had a doctor tell me he needed to do a piss test.


Well-Known Member
only piss test i heard of was for my friend but thats cuz she takes something weird where if they dont monitor her blood levels she could die. i think it was lithium... but thats an entirely different subject.

i just want a doc how would listen but i always feel like hes suspicious of me since he sent me to rehab 2 years ago for alcohol pot and pills. can i just walk into any new doc office or do i have to call insurance and shit.


Well-Known Member
im not sure to be honest. look around and find a new doctor (maybe look for reviews online?)and call them up and ask em if they have any opening maybe? I had my doctors lined up by a social worker for a few years(ended up telling her to fuck herself, literally. I was tired of her bullshit and was better off smoking bud than talking to her and her shitty doctor friends and them trying any drug they pleased on me saying it would make me all *better* when i told em what worked and they still kept jerking me around) and before that it was the doctor i was refered to when i was 13-14 by my family doc, that guy was awesome as hell and was cool with me smoking bud and listened to my ideas(he went along with some crazy shit, 200 mg of adderall a day is what i had him giving me by the time i was 17, which is a fucking ton. i just told him i kept getting immune to it. he was like 350-400 a visit though, but my dads insurance covered me back then and we only payed 50 a visit. but anyway, that guy got a offer to work somewhere else and it was more attractive to him i guess, he moved to the east coast when i was 17 and the next doctor was shit so i stopped going to him. then the county doctors a few years down the road. moral of the story...;...dont get addicted to adderall(that is what we were talking about, right? j/k. lol.) the good doctors are out there but its a pain to find one so when you do make sure to keep them.


Active Member
First off, K-pins are like, 30 years old and cost around $.10/each. No one is giving/getting kick-backs for those things. Thanks though, that was funny, made me laugh.
Your doctor is being responsible and acting in your best interest, believe it or not. A big reason he's not handing you fist-fulls of Benzos is the fact that you're 19, not to mention you're already on them (the k-pins). He is most likely cycling through non-addictive/abusable drugs before he gives in and writes you for ativan/xanies/valiums. Get yourself one of those " Pill Books", find the one your taking, and pick out a few of the "side effects". Then after a month of trying the lexapro, repeat your bad "side effects" and ask to try somethiing else w/o suggesting anything by name.
You can walk into any doctors office and make an appointment/ask if they take your insurance. If he suspected you had a drug/alcohol problems, it's probably in your medical records. Any doctor that wants to keep his medical license won't write you a script for anything. If you walk into a doctors office tomorrow saying that you're 19, on k-pins, want a heavy sleep-aid, and have "KDU" (Known Drug User) on your file, the new doc is going to think you are Doctor Shopping.
And Yes, anyone who is prescribed a scheduled drug is subject to drug tests for any/no reason.


Well-Known Member
First off, K-pins are like, 30 years old and cost around $.10/each. No one is giving/getting kick-backs for those things. Thanks though, that was funny, made me laugh.
Your doctor is being responsible and acting in your best interest, believe it or not. A big reason he's not handing you fist-fulls of Benzos is the fact that you're 19, not to mention you're already on them (the k-pins). He is most likely cycling through non-addictive/abusable drugs before he gives in and writes you for ativan/xanies/valiums. Get yourself one of those " Pill Books", find the one your taking, and pick out a few of the "side effects". Then after a month of trying the lexapro, repeat your bad "side effects" and ask to try somethiing else w/o suggesting anything by name.
You can walk into any doctors office and make an appointment/ask if they take your insurance. If he suspected you had a drug/alcohol problems, it's probably in your medical records. Any doctor that wants to keep his medical license won't write you a script for anything. If you walk into a doctors office tomorrow saying that you're 19, on k-pins, want a heavy sleep-aid, and have "KDU" (Known Drug User) on your file, the new doc is going to think you are Doctor Shopping.
And Yes, anyone who is prescribed a scheduled drug is subject to drug tests for any/no reason.

i have been on these for over a year now (kpins) for the most part .5 mg just recently 1mg. everytime i go i tell him i still get attacks which is why he prescribed me lexapro. im not taking that. i specifically said "i been off and on ssri's since i was 12 i dont like the side effects and i dont feel comfortable taking these." he said "just give it a try it should help."

he wont listen. i hate that "zombie" effect.

and i was even the one who asked to get 1mg. for about 8 months he had me on .5mg and finally i said can i get the 1mg. he said sure youre the boss. that still doesnt work completely. cant sleep. and since i moved to chicago i get anxiety being around that many people. i dunno ive always had that problem since i was a kid. i cant stand being around large groups of people or knowing im being looked at or possibly looked at. call me weird or a bitch. it sucks


Active Member
You said your Doc sent you to rehab 2 years ago for alcohol, pot, n pills??? Your lucky to get the kpins, imo. If the doc recommended rehab, it would be reckless of him to prescribe benzos and a sleep-aid (@ depressants). If you OD'd or got caught abusing/selling them, his medical license is on the line.
I'm not accusing you of using drugs but if he suspected you of having a drug/alcohol problem, he's liable.
If I was a doctor, I wouldn't risk my $80,000+ degree or medical license on a druggie like!