Questions on skunk lady and veg/flowering period. Pics attached


Hello peeps

I have some questions here for you.
a. Have a look at my lady skunk and pls let me know is shes ok to be harvested. Cause from what Ive learnt around here, as she turns amber/brownish, she should be done. Hpe th pics help.
b. I have to skunk babies. One has already been topped and the other one is 10 days old. I grow outside btw. Id like to know when begins and ends the veg period and the flowring one so that I can know how to nute.

thx guys



Active Member
Damn... harvest all year round... I'm not jealous... you bastard. :X EDIT: just saw your cannabis laws on wikipedia.. ouch, 2 words to describe them: FUCK THAT!


Staff member
your plant has about 3 more weeks till harvest

it will go from veg to flower once your countries/cities days get shorter to longer, i mean your grew the first one ...should be pretty simple now that youve done one you should know when for the second