Questions with cloning

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
Hey I am currently growing three plants right now but am still in veg. growth. They are bag seed so I don't know the sexes yet. I want to clone but want to produce bud as well. Can I clip a clone or two off any female and still flower with it? Any help or suggestions ect. will help..... THANK YOU:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and take your clones now, that way you can establish more plants while you sex the mother plants. Make sure you keep track of what clone belongs to what mother plant and when you find out which ones are males, kill off those clones. Then take one of the female clones and make it your new mother. Good Luck :peace:

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
Yea I'm figuring that I will get at least one female. How bad does it slow down the budding rate if I clip off say two clones on a plant with 8 nodes? The reason is I have a 400w hps light with a mh bulb as well. I plan on flowering the mother that I clone off and put the clones under 105w cfls to veg. and keep the cycle going. Think it will work?