where i could get that ph paper?w eve hppend to the good old pH paper, it's cheap and easy.
where i could get that ph paper?w eve hppend to the good old pH paper, it's cheap and easy.
sounds good man. the easiest way is usually...well, the easiest and most effective. Some of you really need to do more research before starting or maybe a trial and error learning (i guess thats what could be happening). At least know the veg and flowering concepts, geez. I guess thats why this is the newbie thread.so this a maybe a case of newbs leading newbs but allow me to offer my two cents. From everything ive read and from my own limited experience this is what ive found: dont sweat it! Its a weed, by definition it will grow even if you dont want it to. If your plants need really water they will tell you. They will look sad and thirsty long before they die of thirst. The best way ive found to know when my babies need water is to feel how heavy the pot is. If its heavy they got plenty of water. if its super light they need water. But dont over water, this is bad! Its good for the roots to hang out in dry soil for tick, lets em breath and prevents root rot. Happy growing!!
im fresh fresh in the game dont know shit so i need all the bases. how much water and how many times exact?
A general rule of thumb dictates that if the soil is dry 3 inches down then you need to water again..
The finger would be far cheaper.
well ill tell you guys one thing about manure dont use human shit you will get disentary.thats wat the chinese use to fertilize there rice
Maybe your plant needs less nutes /more water and also depends on soil pot size room tempi just grew my plants and this is my fisrt time growing.... im growing them in my bathroom everything is right but one of my plants is not growing right why is that?