Quick cloning question


Well-Known Member
Just stabbed the clippings into soaked rockwool and placed under the humidity dome.

How long do I leave them under there?

There are two vents on top that can be opened and closed. I have them closed now, do I need to open them?

REAL stupid question here, but once these things start growing roots, do I take them out of the rookwool and put them in soil, or do I just plant the rockwool?



Well-Known Member
you really don't want to cover them, imo. You'll cause the leaves to fall off, making it unhealthier and less likely to take root.

That type of unrelenting humidity will not encourage root growth. If you must keep the dome on, def leave the vents open.


Well-Known Member
i'd leave at least one of the vents open - don't know how big they are - but if they are on the small side i'd open both
leave them in the dome until you see roots
plant the rockwool - don't try to take the cuttings out of the rockwool
rockwool has a high pH but I use it - seems OK
but may try some peat pots next time 'round


Well-Known Member
One more quick one, do the fan leaves stay on, or do I strip them off so far up the stem?

Thanks again.