!!! Quick cloning question !!!


Active Member
I have 2 clones from my mother plant that has died from what everyone has evaluated... "I am doing experiments on her now" :leaf:

When do you know when your clones has developed roots...? I need to know ASAP so I dont lose my clones, if I lose my clones I have 100% lost all my plants... I do not have them in containers that I can see roots, they are in soil medium and 1 is under a humidity dome...

What signs am I looking for...?
You are looking for your leaves to stand on their own.Most likely if your leaves went from drooping to standing they should be rooting.
You should be able to tell within 3-4 days bud, Do your cuttings look dead or are they still standing and green?
they both seem to have new growth but one of my clones's stems are turning purple on the fan leaves branches... Is that ok... the other clone has bright ass green tips with a hint of yellow at the very very very tip... What is that...? Not over nute again is it...?
what type of soil and what have u put into the soil ? it usually takes about 2 weeks b4 u see new growth. if they wilt and dont recover chuck em. u should cut half your foliage to reduce transpiration and keep them out of the wind.how long have they been in the soil? i hope u wernt stupid enuff to nute the soil, gl
I do keep one under a dome and I also mist them as well... Do they always have to stay wet or is it ok for them to breath and not be wet for an hour or so...? The pics above look to have new growth to me, what do you all think....?
6ish, I kinda gapped a day or so.... And on one of the clones the leave stems are starting to get a purpleish....? What does that mean...?
Would it be ok to just transplant the clones into soil now, or should I wait alittle longer...? The new growth looks good, what does everyone else think...?

Im worried about CLONE 2
give them 2-3 more days , and no u dont need to keep them wet all the time by letting them dry out just alittle your encouraging them to root.
give them 2-3 more days , and no u dont need to keep them wet all the time by letting them dry out just alittle your encouraging them to root.

Thank you for your input my friend, I will let them dry out for a bit and go from there... Should I take them out of the humidity dome for an hour or two and then put them back in...? I also have them both under a fan so there is plenty of air cirulation for them :)

When I transplant them in 2 or 3 days how should I go about doing this....?