Quick drying for making oil


I have a harvest coming up and I need to make oil as quick as possible, so I don't have time to dry/cure it properly. Ideally I'd have the oil made within a day or two of harvesting. Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking of putting in the oven for a bit.
For real, the oven will ruin the taste and your yeild will be less that properly dried buds. Just run the sugar leaf first and you should have enough concentrate to last til the buds are mostly air dry. But nobody wants Shitty hash man be patient ;)
I'll go with the frozen/fresh method I recon. Problem is I'm leaving the country/house where I'm growing it and the clock is ticking, I'll have to harvest it a bit early as well. It's for a cancer patient who will probably be using it in suppositories so it doesn't matter about taste etc but I don't want to lose yield. Thanks for the comments, I'll check the forum for the ice method.
Does anyone have a link to where I can learn how to make the best extract for medical purposes? I'd like to use fresh buds and ice. I have 96% denatured alcohol, a gas hob and a hot plate available for use. I could also get 96% molasses derived alcohol as well but it's more pricey.
I want to make something that will be of most benefit for a cancer patient and that doesn't involve spending any money on extra equipment basically. I made RSO last time (for smoking) and it was really great (to my taste/experience) but I've been reading that RSO is a poor method.
it extracts alot besides cannabinoids and the flavorful components, which are regarded by most as what gives medicinal benefit. his methods can also degrade the active compounds.

I would suggest a quick wash iso extract. it's alot cleaner and all around better. the purge method is important, do you know how to make it? search in the c&e section, many good threads
ah fuck it, forgive spelling, despite it I promise I know what I'm talking about lol. just busy
so you don't have to time to dry. you have to run it frozen, freeze the iso atleast 24 hours. freeze the herb and what your gonna use to grind it. along with a mason jar to fill with the then ground frozen herb..very important all is below freezing, colder the better. swap th masonjar lid with some sort of mesh to quickly sseparate the herb from th iso. you want to limit plant matter contact to about 30sseconds total, it can take many times that just to filter through a coffee filter...

so yyou filled the jar to th top of the bud with iso, plant held back by mesh, fluid then get filtered through 2 coffee filters..

glass Pyrex with a fan on it till it dries. when it looks dry wait 6 mire hours, heat on low to warm it and scrape with a razor blade

and you have hash
Thanks for the info, I guessed there would be a simpler/better way to make the medicine. When I'm evaporating off the alcohol in the pyrex, how hot should it be? I just boiled it off on the stove before (in a pan of simmering water). Also, what do you recommend for grinding it? I have a small metal grinder, can't imagine how it would be grinding frozen bud?
I use spring assisted scissors to grind.

easier method? for as you called it "medicine".. nope, unless you want it crappy black goop.

evap at room temp. yes room temp will remove all the iso if you did what I said and its in a fairly thin film. if you plan on runningmore than a gallon of iso disregard that
Hmmm, I'll certainly be using a few litres of alcohol. I have an electrical hot plate, couldn't I leave the alcohol on that with a fan blowing on it?
course it would.
but if its not dry you'll rupture pant cells and release internal plant juices, polar acids etc that don't taste good, have a low melting point etc... gives dark goop instead of my avatar
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Right, I'm going to do a test run with a few top buds using the method you gave me. Fingers crossed it will work out ok, my first time etc. If I mess it up I guess I'll cut the remaining buds off the plant and leave them by the radiator for a couple of days or something like that. Thanks for the info.
If you scroll up quizoking wrote an overview of how he does it. He says it should only really stay in the iso for 30 seconds.
how long does the bud sit in the iso? ive been using butane and want to use a better way.

Generally BHO is preferred over ISO (I personally prefer ISO because of the ease of the method itself and because BHO isn't very easy to come by where I live, at least not proper quality BHO) because it 'unties' a lot less material than ISO does..
This is due to the polarity difference between the solvents, BHO is relatively non-polar whereas ISO is polar.

Speaking exclusively in purity terms, BHO might be the best choice (in fact hexane would be the best choice but we are focusing on the two most commonly used solvents) but a proper ISO wash & extract can rival a BHO one imo.
So I wouldn't say that ISO is a better way, unless you by better meant an easier way.

Both methods require a certain amount of knowledge though and have safety aspects that must be respected but I would argue ISO is a bit quicker and also a bit cheaper (although if you have no idea what you are doing you could end up with a vastly inferior end product).

I would not let the Cannabis/leaves/hash, whatever you are using, soak for more than 1 minute, in fact I would say try to keep it to 30 sec max if you want a really high quality product (although I have seen 1 minute soaks produce a really high quality product as well, everything is relative (what kind of quality product are you using in the first place etc.)).

TL;DR - If you keep it ~30 sec you will end up with a clear & pure end product. Strain quickly and remember to cure the oil afterwards.