Quick Lucas Formula Question (FloraNova Grow & Bloom or just Bloom?)

Right now, I am using hempy buckets with the GH Micro & Bloom nutrients... using the basic Lucas formula here, no Grow, 8 ml Micro, and 16 ml Bloom... I have been reading about the FloraNova line and might switch to it when I run out of the current nutes... I am just curious, when following the Lucas formula with the GH FloraNova, do you use the Grow formula during vegetative stage and Bloom during flower, or is it just FloraNova Bloom throughout the entire grow in the same way the original Flora line is just Micro + Bloom throughout the whole grow? I read conflicting posts about this, so just wanting to know if anyone here can clear that up... Thanks


Well-Known Member
there is no floranova version of the lucas formula. lucas formula is gh3 micro and bloom only, 8ml micro, 16ml bloom.
there is no floranova version of the lucas formula. lucas formula is gh3 micro and bloom only, 8ml micro, 16ml bloom.
Actually, Lucas himself uses the FloraNova now, that much I made out from the threads I found online, but I wasn't sure if he is using both Grow and Bloom or just Bloom..... I know he used to use the Flora Micro + Flora Bloom, and that's what I'm using now... I'm just curious about how he is using the FloraNova... I'm pretty sure it's just 8 ml FloraNova Bloom for the entire grow, but just making sure...


Well-Known Member
yea Ive been reading and I think he mentioned it as his new lucasized formula with the FNB even more confused now , and then Ive not shown any growth in a week with the LF Im thinking about tucking tale and running back to my old nute program before anything bad happen to my next crop


Active Member
as i have read a lot about the lucas formula and read his answers to many peoples questions. He uses the floranova bloom/grow both ways. It is 8ml per gal until the ppm is reached. But he said he was experimenting with using both flnova grow and bloom. He said he tried using flnova grow to kickstart the plants, making them grow bigger faster in veg, and then instead of changing water when switching to 12/12 he just added back water and the flnova bloom and it produced one of the highest yields he has seen. So the whole time he never changed the res just added water. So 1000ppm grow for clones for first week under flourecent light, all weeks after in veg stage with 1300-1400 ppm of flnova grow. then(if familiar with add back formula) switch to 12/12 and add water and flnova bloom to correct ppm(still 1300-1400ppm)for the rest of bloom stage


Active Member
I learned most of this info on a forum thread where he himself was answering peoples questions, it is a very long and informative thread but its been so long since i looked at it, i cant seem to find it. i will post the link when i do find it


Active Member
I found it, go to google, search "ask lucas" and open the first link. on this forum there are many people asking lucas all sorts of questions in which he answers, if you go through the whole forum, you will be quite educated in the art of the lucas formula. somewhere in that forum he talks about experimenting with flnova series and his results.