Quick!! Need answer plZ!


Well-Known Member
I only Have one plant and I was told to harvest it during the middle of the day, but now some1 told me to take it at night..I was planing on harvesting today...What time will bring maximum potency? Ima hang the whole plant upside down to dry it, not anything fancy..


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it, it's not going to make much difference in the end. I harvest mine in the morning usually but I've also done it at night and in the middle of the day.


Well-Known Member
You are reading way too much into this here. A half day will not have much of a bearing on your plants potency, or anything else for that matter. Buy a pocket microscope from radioshack for 10 dollars, wait for a ratio of 50/50 cloudy/amber trichomes, at the end of its last 12 hour day of light give it a 24 dark period, then chop her down.


Well-Known Member
yea it dont matter shit if you cut it during day/night cycle or w/e do it on YOUR time.
Half the harvest do's are usually dont matters , like more darkness(24-48 hrs), its confirmed bullshit from what i have read.


Well-Known Member
Just so you don't think I'm full of bullshit... I am only working on finishing up my first grow. I was told to give plants a 24 hour dark period before harvest, but I don't really know whether or not it works, just figured it couldn't hurt. It very well could be bullshit.


Well-Known Member
A wise mann once told me to leave the lights off for the last two days before you harvest. I havent tried it yet, but he said youll thank me for it one day