Quick noob flowering question


Well-Known Member
Hello all, Now I know they say your plants should get zero light while in the flowering stage. But my question has to do with the limits of my setup. In nature out in the "country" there is a lot of ambient light coming from stars and the moon. Its never 100% dark. Now I'm having to flower in a corner of my room. I know not the best setup but that will be fixed here shortly but not in time for these three plants. As you can see from the pics my monitors are pretty close to the plants but there is a tall "wall" I crafted from some boxes. There is very little light bleeding over from the LCD's to the plants. In fact when the timer kills the plant lights and the LCD's are on you can't see much at all behind the wall where the plants are. How if at all will this affect the plants at this stage?



Well-Known Member
Naturally the plant will grow even with the stars and the moon, it grows outside right? The plant will still do it's thing, just keep it as dark as u possibly can till u get it fixed. Jw, what u gonna do to fix it?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of modding a metal cabinet for flowering. The only other spot I have in the room is an ultra small closet. It's big enough to veg in but its only 3'x3'x3' its odd. But thats where I have my seedlings now so I don't have to live with 24/0 light while I'm trying to sleep lol


Well-Known Member
get yourself a light for the room in the green spectrum as it wont disturb the dark period for the plants


Well-Known Member
yeah I really should not have it there. They are being replaced with white here this weekend though. I just did it at the time thinking it was better than cardboard.