Quick pic's of my N.E. girls

The cheese does reek. I grew that same strain last winter. The taste is fantastic and gets you pretty dam stoned. Sorry about the mold same thing happened to my buddies crop but it's been an extremely wet fall here in New England.
It's a shame, the season was going soooo good. Then the rain/cold came in. *sigh*

keep your head up puck, try agaain next year! The bud you were able to keep looks good!

Good luck to everyone else in NE havesting
i am in southern new england. i have 4 plants outdoors, just for my own head. i expect to harvest in a few weeks before any serious frost. do you agree??

It depends on how far along and what variety you have. At least take a look at the trich's and make sure they are cloudy.
Thanks for the support everyone, I have been calming down since all the trouble with the mold. I will be growing again next year and yes, this
year was a very difficult one as all of us know here in New England. I wonder... How much production do we get from this part of the country.
I know the Cali guy's (and girls) have it over on us but I bet we get some great totals from the hard working people of this area. Wonder if I/someone
should make a thread so we can log our totals.... What do you think?
Thanks for the support everyone, I have been calming down since all the trouble with the mold. I will be growing again next year and yes, this
year was a very difficult one as all of us know here in New England. I wonder... How much production do we get from this part of the country.
I know the Cali guy's (and girls) have it over on us but I bet we get some great totals from the hard working people of this area. Wonder if I/someone
should make a thread so we can log our totals.... What do you think?
I made pot brownies out of the Kannibia left over from the mold, I cut them up and bagged them to cool at 2a.m. Fri. night and decided to scrape
the bottom of the pan after... I was high until 4p.m. the next day on just the scrapings!!!! I think I will give them away to friends. I am not as young
as I used to be! I just can't handle being high that long anymore. I used a oz. in the batch, I probably used too much...
lol i would at least make a few bucks off them brownies. and as far as a thread about ppls harvests i think someone tried to do that a while ago and i never really saw it again.
lol i would at least make a few bucks off them brownies. and as far as a thread about ppls harvests i think someone tried to do that a while ago and i never really saw it again.

That's too bad, I would be interested to see what kind of totals we could get.