Quick potency question.


Active Member
When is the highest possible potency? When you first cut them down or do they gain potency by drying and curing.
For example I cut my plant down and currently drying but i tried some small buds after a couple of days and doesnt seem real potent. Will they get better or is that the best they will be?

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
i have heard that curing can increase potency, but im not entirely sure. i know it makes it taste 10x better.

i would just wait until it was dry, then smoke it. most weed bought on the streets isnt cured, unless its a smaller scale grower. and if it isnt dry, it might be burning real shitty.


Well-Known Member
No, the potency is genetically determined in the plant. You have no way of increasing or decreasing it. By having the best conditions you can get the highest THC concentration. Curring helps with the final taste of what your weed will be. That has nothing to do with potency.

*EDIT* I did some reading and it looks like if you properly dry and cure you weed you will get a better high, by removing all the other stuff like chlorophyll and other chemicals involved in the plant growing the THC will have more of an effect on you. But it's still not anymore potent


Active Member
According to marijuana horticulture the medical growers bible drying your plants well will "convert the THC from its non-psychoactive, crude, acidic form to its psychoactive neutral form." Up to a point as your buds dry they will get more potent. If they are already pretty dry curing further in glass jars will improve the smoke and taste but probably not much for potency. The potency of my buds has always been better when they are good and dry. Just my 2 cents though.


Well-Known Member
Got this off of Greenman's Page. The last sentence does seem to indicate that the potency can be slightly improved during the curing process, but I agree with other posts that most if not all potency is derived while the plant is still alive and growing. Just my 2 cents.

Changes In Marijuana Chemistry

As the plant matures through its window of harvest its chemistry changes. As the window closes, the more desirable compounds begin breaking down into less desirable ones. Primarily it is THC breaking down in CBNs and CBDs.
Which particular combination of chemicals is the most desirable is purely a matter of taste and choice, developed over time and with experience. Set and setting also play an important role in determining which type of product is best appreciated.
Pleasant head highs are often desirable for social occasions, whereas a narcotic late-window Indica may work better as an evening medicinal herb. The main point is that these differences are chemical in nature and more research is needed to more fully understand this phenomenon.
Another important point is that much can be done to further enhance the chemical process, especially in regard to bouquet, aroma and flavour, given the proper curing process.


Active Member
do you all think that it will help the high of the plant by watering them with water mixed with....lets say,diazipam...or other water soluble anti-depresants or tranquilizers?