quick question about azamax. please........


Active Member
can someone tell me if i have to or should rinse off the azamax after i apply. i foliar sprayed it in the dark. thanks so much.


Well-Known Member
I was told it works by absorbing into the plant, essentially making the plant toxic or unappetizing to mites and other bugs. You can spray it on, water with it or put it in your reservoir. Regardless of your method, it should be in your plant and you need to give it time to soak in.


Well-Known Member
make sure to flush when the time is right mmmmmmmm chemical bud blah dont know how many times I have had shit taste like clorhine or plastic


Active Member
thanks guys. figured out, just got paranoid. it did freak em out a little though. leaf curl, sort healing though. mites still runnin around right after.