Quick question about curling, pics included


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Well, I have 7 plants growing and I'm nervous about one of them. Its new growth is curling upward on the sides, kind of like curling your tongue into a 'u'. There is no discoloration, just the curling on the sides. I believe they are a healthy color, too. They are under a 400W metal halide, which is roughly 2 feet away..maybe 2 1/2 feet. The temp is great. I cant check it but it feels upper 70s low 80s. They have a fan blowing on them and ventilation at the closet ceiling. Also, two low watt CFLs are in between them to get light to those inner nodes.. Lastly, I have a CO2 generator (yeast, sugar water in a milk jug) to enrichen the plants..

Once again..only one is really doing it. One other seems like it may mildly be doing it ( like 2 leaves) but I think its done that before and gone away.

Anyway...on to the pics.

-pic 006: this is the plant that is being gay..

-pic 007: little shot of my grow room

-pic 008: a plant thats doing fine (I think!)..they are droopy as I just watered them..

Thanks for any feedback. Peace guys.



Well-Known Member
The curling isn't too bad....They are showing signs of needing some nitrogen with those lower leaves turning yellow, Are you feeding them yet?


Active Member
I've been giving low concentrations of high nitrogen nutes for two weeks-ish, but I was planning on upping the concentration next watering. I know the curling could be worse, but I still don't like it...

Thanks for the reply.


Active Member

I am curious if anyone knows the deal with the curling on the sides. I have one plant that is continuing to grow this way. Its a little dryer than the others, too. A previous picture I posted in this thread shows the curling...its pretty much the same. I dont know if its magnesium, lights, temp....

I just dont think it can be lights or temp because it is the only one affected. However, two weeks ago I gave it magnesium and it still is curled. Although, I feel that it did get a little better. I think. Its got a great green color, too.

Is it too risky to give it more magnesium?

Advice definitely needed!
