Quick question about getting rid of spider mites for indoor operation


Active Member
Ok, I've noticed spots on the top-sides of lower leaves with black specs on the bottom-side. They've began moving upward and spreading. I've sprayed the leaves with water and it has started to leach nutes from them (turning yellow).

I'm wondering if I should spray with 1:1 water & rubbing alcohol, or neem oil.
Also, reading about how mites don't like humid environments, I have been periodically shutting off the outlet fan, could this help?

There is about 10 days left of growth, what have some of you done as a remedy?



Active Member
rubbing alcohol works great..should do the trick..and if shutting off the outlet fan cools the area off some then mite make a difference,,also if there in buckets and you have decent weather then throw them outsidde for the day and spray room with your alcohol ..


Active Member
Oh, good idea to spray the room too. Thanks for the help as that should certainly hold things until harvest.


Well-Known Member
IDK if that's such a good idea, if they are only 10 days from harvest. The trichs will dissolve with alcohol,(alcohol is used to make hash oil) which doesn't sound like it's be worth the risk of losing potency, by having some of the trich dissolve. IDK if a 50% solution is strong enough to hurt them, but you better wait until you talk to someone who has actually tried it, before giving it a shot, yourself.

I've heard that you can use neem right up until a couple days before harvest, with no ill effects, but ya better get confirmation on this, also, 'cause I've never tried that, either. I never had a mite problem, ever. *knocks on wood*lol :)

Water leaching nutes from the leaves? IDK man, that's new to me. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just wondering why I've never come across any info mentioning it, in the many hours of reading I've done. Hmmm.... *scratches chin*