Quick question bout growing :)


Active Member
Hi, I am currently living with my parents and they despise marijuana for some reason :P. But anyways they have a few Aloe Vera plants in the Family rroom(Wheres theres tons of light) and I planted a seed in 2 of the pots they have the Aloe growin in, I was just wondering how this might affect my little weedies :P? They havent sprouted yet (Its only been two days). Is there anything specific I should know while attempting this and mostly is there anyway I can keep them reasonably small yet still fruitfull so know one really catches on?

Btw i am a noob at this and if somthing im doing is absolutly retarted plz dont flmae me to bad lol :hump:


Well-Known Member
It's retarded to grow weed in someone else's house without their permission. period.


Well-Known Member
Own or rent the space your self if you are going to grow. Show some respect for your parents,you won't have them for ever.


Well-Known Member
No we can't pretend. Iwas not being a prick about this ,how old are you anyway?? Again SHOW SOME RESPECT!!


Active Member
19, and again not saying u were and im not trying to be one either with this next statment. I didnt ask whether anyone thinks its right that im growing in my parents plants ect :). Just ignore that and answer my question (if possible) and plz dont just give me shit to be doing it. Again not trying to be a prick just want a few answers :)


Well-Known Member
growing is an adult game if you live with ur parents and they dont want you to have some respect or get ur own place. I refuse to offer advice to someone who isnt respecting someone else house. Peace :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
OK ,if you are serious about this my glassblower buddy always has big aloes in his shop for burns.He started a bunch of seeds in the same pot as them,and transplanted when they were about 8in.tall, seemed to be OK. Someday you will realize what I mean about parents,I didn't dig my dad at all while he was alive,but as I get older I realize how much I owe him.Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
Peace bro, I wasn't trying to bring you down ,just make you think a little, I don't want other people to make my stupid moves if I can help.:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
My buddy John told his mum it was "Russian Tomatos" when we were kids, and she pretended to believe him. I don't think she did though...