Greetz docWho:
please explain to the membership on how exactly a plant uses all it's energy to stay cool
many thanks
How about you actually read up on the subject?
It's basic and easy to find.....Ed's Oakstrdam text book brings it up in brief explanation too.
Once a cannabis plant sit's in a temp over say 85. The increase in it's energy created vs. energy used for growth. Is increasingly overtaken by the plants energy use to stay healthy (cool) in that high temp situation...Transpiration is increased to cool the plant vs feed the plant. The actual production of food it uses to grow is burned by the increased needs to cool.. This begins at about 80 deg F but increases at an exponential rate.
At somewhere around 90-95 deg. F. The plant is now basically not growing at all. It's now using almost everything to exist vs to actually grow...
Put in basic, general terms.
Even on good temp days Mr. V. Most C3 plants will loose over 30% of it's available growth potential to the "light saturation point" at one point in the day. This begins far earlier in the day then many believe, or understand maybe better...Now you have only 70% of the plants energy going to growth. The other 30% is being used by the plant to change on a cellular level to protect it's self from the (now overpowering) sun!
The use of Co2 is how this effect can be countered. It will now require you use high RH and Temps to make this work properly! Over the years I have found that you can get that 30+% back but, now suffer some loss due to other factores. I find in the long run. I do just fine with no amending the Co2 in a cost vs return value...