Quick question from a newbie grower


New Member
Can I just grow it in the closet with a light and water and some dirt or do I have to go through some stealthy procedures?


Well-Known Member
You'll get better results using at least a moderate number of stealthy procedures.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can. Use some creativity to get rid of the heat and your golden. A $24 inline fan vented in the ceiling works great for cheap and easy but works. The only reason for stealth is security reasons, if you don't care than neither do I.


Well-Known Member
You can but you'll need constant air circulation, place a fan in it, and a way to help with the heat.


Well-Known Member
You wont grow anything worth going to jail for I suggest try ur hand at it outdoors learn about the plant and what it takes to keep it happy then transfer that to ur closet or were ever u wanted but hell I started in a bathroom when I was 18 with a soft lightbulb 120 wyatt lol
If these are your questions friend, you may want to consider reading a few guides on the basics, and maybe browse the stickies for a bit before you attempt a grow.

A lot can go wrong, and for new growers, usually does. It is a fun and rewarding hobby, but you can't go into it doing a half ass job and expect an even mediocre yield.


Well-Known Member
How do I minimize heat? Also what's the circulation for if not for the heat?
Plants need constant air circulation to breath, there's no getting around it, yes it helps with disipating the heat but may not be enough depending on the size of light you use and how much heat it produces, no offense but you've got a lot to learn, I wish you best of luck with your grow, most important, patients is the name of the game, you can't rush a grow, it will decide when it's done.