Quick question. Need a pro's answer...


Well-Known Member
ok, say I have a mother plant in a pot of soil... Would I be able to take clones off of it and put them in my ebb&flo?

The problem I have is, I want to do a sea of green, but only have one table for ebb&flo, is it foolish to think I can get 30ish clones off one plant?


Well-Known Member
If the mother plant is big enough than yes you can get 30 clones off of her
She is going to have to be rather large though
What are you going to root the cuttings in?


Well-Known Member
Pretty large man idk...
I would suggest using hydroton for you ebb and flow table instead of rockwool
Hydroton allows for more floods per day than rockwool and that is a good thing
It allows for more nutes and o2 to get to the roots