Quick question on flowering nute..


Active Member
I was wondering if I can use a 10-15-10 fert and be ok for flowering? I have been using a 12-4-8 for veg growth. I am on a time crunch and can't order anything online. So before everyone tells me to buy some Fox Farms.. I can't.

Styles T

Active Member
Won't hurt it@all if tht's what Ur asking. Some people dnt add anything but Sun & water BUT if after the best possible buds, you mite want2supply a bit more strength. I use "General 0rganics" Bloom 2-4-4 and I feel tht I nd more strength but mine is doing 0.k.. Keep it goin, Peace!!!!


Well-Known Member
be carefull with to mouch N. in late flowering .. might want to use it on a mild solution .. and cut it a few weeks before you plan to haverst ..


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys.. I am only 4 weeks away from harvest so I guess I will just leave the girls alone. My next grow is going to be better, I grew this time with limited money.