QUICK QUESTION: Should different color temps be used at the same time?


I am about to buy my cfls and am looking at some of the setups on here and most people have two different color temps on their plants at the same time. I thought that 6500k was supposed to be used for veg and then when into flowering, switch over to 2700k cfls?


Well-Known Member
My opinoin on this is simple minded but it makes sense. We are trying to replicate nature at it's finest in our grow rooms and the sun only puts out light in 1 color temp at a time.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Oh so your answer is just cuz?
maybe you should explorer and read more threads about running both light spectrums, you might learn a little more then you do..
what so you thing that when growing outdoors you have the same light during the veg and flower time of things NO clouds, smoke, fog, rain it all changed the spectrum of the sun light..


Well-Known Member
Im not saying youre wrong Mygirls, and welcome back by the way, just askin why. Help educate a grower with less knowledge. I would help you.
As for the question at hand here, it is a good one. If you mix the light from a 1000W hps with a 1000W mh, does that kind of give you a 4,200 frequency by blending a 2,700 or a 5,700? Or do they get a full dose of each? How does that work?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Im not saying youre wrong Mygirls, and welcome back by the way, just askin why. Help educate a grower with less knowledge. I would help you.
i know i hope i didn't sound like a dick that wasn't my intintions.. we all when growing indoors are trying to come as close to the outside enviroment as possibale and running both spectrume is one step closer. hop[e this makes sense.


soo should i use both sides of the spectrum? or just one? what should my schedule be? some 6500 for veg and some 2700? how many of each?


Well-Known Member
No, the sun unfortunately does not put off 1 color at a time, I will give u this, dependant upon time of year and sometimes day the GENERAL spectrum of the sun will APPEAR blue, or red (cool or warm) however its ignorant as shit to suggest underlying spectrums containing P.A.R. In almost every nm range and color temp. So the reason his answer is good is because a rounded spectrum that brings all elements neccesarry for photosyntesis will always produce happier plants. Or just cause works just as well.
That said for veg I personally would do 75/25 cool/warm and the opposite for flower.
If the sun doesn't show ALL spectrums at about all times, how is it I can get a sunburn in fall? The sun should be warm right? No blue no uv-b. Just saying. I know its not the most common knbowledge but saying things like the sun is only one color is like claiming to have invented the ? Mark. No one should take that seriously


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
As for the question at hand here, it is a good one. If you mix the light from a 1000W hps with a 1000W mh, does that kind of give you a 4,200 frequency by blending a 2,700 or a 5,700? Or do they get a full dose of each? How does that work?
they say when mixxing light spectrumes notto do 50/50. exaple if you run a1000wtt hps the you would run a 400wtt mh with it. 2000wtt's of hps you would run 800wtt mh


ok thanks. im goin to be growing 2 plants in a space of 19x25x35. i have a lighting fixture that is capable of holding 4 cfls. which wattage should i go for? and i was even thinking about getting one more high powered cfl for directly on top of the plants with the 4 other bulbs around it.


Well-Known Member
Hey if you need to make that stealth you will need to line it with something light proof or it will glow like a shiny brown star.


yeah i def will grab some mylar or some panda plastic to keep the light it. But now im just thinking of building a divider in my closet so ill have a on of free space to work with and just line the closet walls with mylar. Also im wondering if anyone on here uses like 3 fold Poster board the shit u used to use for science projects just for some added light concentration.

Also, if i went with the walmart cab from up there^ u think ill be able to make a scrog set up for it?


I will suggest getting the 42w cfls from Home Depot or where ever. I bought a shit load of 26w cfls for both veg and flower (different temps of course), and I could use more light but I'm out of sockets and dont have the cash to go buy the 42w. The difference in price is (3) 26w for $6-7 & (1) 42w for $10. There used to be a SLH grow on here I was referencing and he had about 13 of the 42w (3) 6500K & (10) 2700K. He started with 2-3 blues and just added the rest in time as the plant got bigger.