Solo cups! Thats a noob or inexperienced grower for sure just like gallon jugs of GH nutes! Not judging just observing....
I sprout routinely 200+ seeds in feb. And 50+ a month till May.
I soak over night. Stir in the morning and toss the ones that dont sink after stirring.
Then in shallow soil, like one inch deep,in a 3inch cup, i will put 20-40 in that cup. There's a stronger germination when started together.
2-3 days later or when they are up and opened full their little cotyledons I'll transplant them each into their own cup. Just pour the cup out onto some soil and transplant each one deep enough that only the cotyledons are above the soil. Thats how i never get leggy sprouts. Never need propping up and stronger roots. Everything below the cotyledons becomes roots.
Ever notice after sprouting and first single blade leaf expands, how they start leaning over? I dont have that problem with my seeds.
Its a few more steps, and preparation and timing is important, but not having leggy sprouts or damping off is so worth it. Not having to do anything to fiddle fuck with falling over sprouts is so worth it.With rooting cubes,oasis cubes etc its easier to handle the sprout and transplant deep especially in 1gal pot or bigger.
Farmers, growers and gardeners been doing this technique for centuries.