Watering until runoff is what people do to so called rinse the salts from the fertilizer out of the medium. The fact that your wife is smelling mildew says that water has been sitting for too long. Which also could mean your watering too much. Do you let the soil dry between watering? You should, it causes the roots to grow out looking for water. That will cause the pant to grow also. Another thing to consider is cutting back on nutrients if your getting build up of salts. Water till runoff once or twice a month if your in soil. If your in coco thats a different story, a coco grower can help with. I use Autopots and with them my plants sit in 1 to 2 inches of water 24/7. The water is not the problem, the problem is that it is sitting water. My Autopot constantly refreshes the water as the plant uses it, while your water is sitting and getting stale, and in effect rotting. You'll get mildew first, but then that standing water will attract mold, gnats, and even mosquitoes.
Your pots removable bottom is designed so that the plant roots grow down that far and feed from that area. Thats for regular houseplants to self feed plain water. It helps for when you dont want to have to water your plants every other day. If you let your roots grow down into that removeable area they will uptake excess water and lessen your problem. Another thing is if you want to go on an extended weekend you can fill the removable portion with water to "water feed" the plant while your away. Just dont use it for feeding nutrients cause they will settle in the bottom and cause problems.