quick question

im planning on growing 2 or 3 different strains outdoors next year. If a male from strain #1 is left next to a female from strain #2 will it produce seeds that can be used to grow a combination of the two strains? I think its more complex but im just checking. thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
Of course you can. You can “mate” different races in humans. Plants are no different. That why breeders are constantly punchin out new strains. Experement. Have fun and good luck.

Illegal Smile

"Gee, I didn't think that mixed breed dog would try to mate my purebreed." j/k lol


Well-Known Member
"Gee, I didn't think that mixed breed dog would try to mate my purebreed." j/k lol
Its trys to mate your leg when you get home from work, what makes you think he wouldnt mount a purebred? LOL
And yes you can cross strains. You have time to do a bit of homework.