Quick question


Well-Known Member
Looks to be Rockwool cubes.
little grey covers for stem of plant pinned down is on top to reduce infections.


Well-Known Member
Do rockwool cubes create better results then soil or is there a certain time to use them (when cloning?)


Well-Known Member
yes they are rockwool. They work great for getting seedlings started. every plant i have grown has been with rockwool. i have made 16 clones so far and not one has died yet. go rockwool!!!


Well-Known Member
Is rockwool expensive? Would I be able to pick it up at a local home depot/lowes? And are there different kings are just one kind you keep the plant in the entire time? Sorry for all the questions but I'm inexperienced with rockwool


Well-Known Member
i use rockwool too, i have over 30 clones going and almost ready to plant and none have died or even looked unhealthy. they are 20 cents apiece at "atlantis hydroponics" nearby


Well-Known Member
Now that you know what rock wool is haven't you looked at stores on line for it? These questions are like you are reading em off from paper or someone told you to ask em......
Good luck with rockwool my friend


Active Member
Ok, so I bought the Aerogrow deluxe with the biggers lights and the ability to grow full size plants.......So far they look great, it's been 4 weeks and my plants are big and bushy, and looking healthy.....so here's my question... This is my first time growing. I noticed on my biggest plant in the middle that it has a leaf that has a yellow spot. What causes a yellow spot and should I cut that leaf off, it's a big leaf and only a little spot? Is this a nute burn, or what? All you people using the regular aerogrow should upgrade to the larger deluxe with the bigger light setup.....but what about that yellow spot, i'm freaking cause otherwise they look great!