Quick question.


Active Member
i tried looking it up but didnt really have any luck... so my question is, whats like the best soil i can get (or make) from regular stores (no hydro stores close :-|) like "Homedepot" "Walmart" etc.

thanks for the help everybody, oh and if you could, please tell me when i should start giving nutes with each soil or soil recipe! Thanks everybody its appreciated!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i go to a garden nursery and get a soiless mix like pro-mix or sunshine mix. it comes in a 3.8 cubic foot bail for around 35-40 bucks a bail.


Miracle grow all purpose potting soil will work fine, regardless of what some people say. It is all i used to use about ten years ago, and i was growing massive plants ( 8 - 10 feet tall). Your biggest concern with mg from home depot will be the critters in the soil (fungus gnats etc), sterilize the soil if you are concerned. Far as nutes go, most soils will feed for 2 - 4 weeks, just keep an eye on plants and start feeding when they show signs ( slight change in color, green to lime green)