It is safe to assume this man will have ALL KINDS of potential for mineral deficiencies due to using distilled water.
Distilled water is just that, 'purified water'.. it offers nothing to your plant but 'wet'..
If you are going to keep going bottled, use mineral water..... In most places tap water is far superior to distilled (in my opinion, unless you are deliberately supplementing extra trace minerals). In fact water from a hot water heater cooled down, contains incredible amounts of calcium and magnesium and other trace minerals.
That is just one guy's random thoughts..
get yourself some drops or strips.. you can find strips for about 3 bucks.. drops for about 5.. well worth it.. cannabis is very forgiving, but you want to make sure to keep it in the 'ballpark' as well as have something to test runoff .. even strips are better than nothing.
good luck mate.