quick question!

james bong 02

Active Member
my babies are now 3 weeks old and i think its time to add ferts and nutes to thier soil. i bought the water soluble kind and have a one gallon fert/nute solution. my question is how often should i feed the plants the treated water? i have heard every 2 days and ive heard every 6 days! so im really note sure..help! =)


Active Member
It could vary depending on the nutes and the concentration you use.

For vegetation, I used a 29-10-5 solution at 1 teaspoon per gallon. I fed EVERY time I watered. I watered once every 4-6 days. I'd let the plant really dry out between each watering, and then would water until the water seeped through the bottom of the pots (make sure your pots have holes in the bottom if you do it this way).

If you're nervous about the amount of fertilizer you're giving them, it's good to ramp up the dosage. Start small and just with one plant. Better to having problems with just one rather than your entire crop.


Active Member
you fed them everyday lane? how did the crop come out? no fertilizer burning or anything?
I wouldn't say every DAY, but yes, everytime I water (which ends up being every 4th or 5th day). I did flush them before I switched to 12/12. Again, I think it's important to ramped up to what your see how your plant will react to your nutes and the concentration you're giving them. Again, I used a 29-10-5 solution at 1 teaspoon/gallon. WW strain.

I haven't experiences any nute burn and I think they're turning out GREAT! Here's a thread I posted about a week ago 24 days into flowering. There are pics so you can see how they're doing:


I go into a lot more detail about what I did later in the thread, as well. (in terms of lighting, PH, etc).


Active Member
I should also mention, you asked if you should feed them every 2 days or 6 days? Since you got the water soluable kind, that means you could be watering them every 2 days?

I think you should rethink that plan. It could lead to overwatering. The plant will grow VERY nicely if it goes through wet-dry cycles. A good rule of thumb if you should water it to saturation. If you have holes in the bottom of your pot (and you should), then water it until the water comes out the bottom. It should be good for 3-4 days atleast. When you can stick your index finger in the soil about 3" and it comes out dry, water them again. Soon you'll learn just by the weight of the pot, when it needs watering. Also, drooping leaves will indicate it. (drooping leaves will perk right back up after 2-3 hours from watering, so don't panic).

Don't overwater. Better to underwater. The plant will recover much quicker.