Quick question


Hello, First time poster here & newbie grower as well.
I just recently poped a few bagseeds of mine and planted them indoors in my walk in closet with three 23watt cfs's to start them babys off.
I decided to Rip a Zip lock bagy in half to sub seran wrap as I had none to cover the top of the growing containers and tie them around the rim to hold them tight. I figured it would help with humidity and keep them nice and warm till they are sprouted a bit. So onto my question (finally) is this a good idea to tie a bag tightly over the rim for the cause of humidy/warmth for seedlings? Or am I slowly killings them.
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to ask some more advanced growers for their advice. Hope I'm not being a burden & posting in thee wrong ether, If so Again sorry.
You don't want to cut off oxygen completely. I'm not sure, I doubt you would be hurting them though. I've never used humidity domes when I've started from seed, and I've never had a plant die or fail to come up. Just make sure the soil is moist and the humidity shouldn't really matter that much. Only time I've used a humidity dome was when I've cloned, because you need the water in the air to feed the plant while it develops roots. I would leave it slightly off to be safe, because the humidity in the air shouldn't really matter if it hasn't sprouted yet. I'm not an expert, but that sounds like the best bet to me.
Okay, I thank you for your advice & the quick reply Jollygreen. I will prolly poke some holes or just take them off a few hours here & there till they do sprout.
Okay, I thank you for your advice & the quick reply Jollygreen. I will prolly poke some holes or just take them off a few hours here & there till they do sprout.

If the seeds haven't popped up from the soil yet then the bag idea is fine. But if you have them in solo cups, then you can just buy some clear ones of equal size and place them upside down on the existing cup. But the bag should do what it needs to do. And yes I recommend poking some small holes, and giving it fresh air everyday for at least 5-10 minutes.

Once the plant has a true set of leaves (usually the 2nd or third set) you can lose the humidity dome/bag. Just make sure not to over water, especially if your using straight soil. seedlings don't need much to get started. Just some tender love and care. Good luck
I use a cereal bowl, wet paper towel and cover with saran wrap. After they pop they go into solo cups. No problem.
When I pop beans I wet down rock wool cubes & spin a few times in a salad spinner; then put in a ziplok bag, blow in air & seal it up. Put in a warm dark place for 4-5 days or so...works every time. No you can seal up your germinating seeds just fine for the first few days - just be sure allow them to get some air after they pop open