Quick Question;

Sorry. if that helps.
I'm trying to point out that things are not always as they seem.
Like you talking about someone smoking 15 grams a day and think that the person would be fucked out of their tree.
I'm trying to tell you, it's not like that.
I took what you said backwards?
Im not trying to make you look dumb.
I am trying to show you just how wrong you are with your thinking though.
Wow somebody that actually got a section 56 exemption. I thought they were just an urban legend, a clever myth.

Uh....a 56 note from a doctor is not a 56 exemption.
Unlike say Matt Mernagh who does have a 56 exemption.
How does one get the full deal meal on that Leaf?
There's a couple hundred folks working on it ....you get it through the courts. you present the arguments in court as to why you should be exempt.
John Turmel has info on this...
Well I would assume that's because they can't tell exactly how much was used once your product is prepared..still b.s. though.
A good defence lawyer would show this fact and rip apart any expert the Crown decides to put up to say otherwise.