Quick questions about SUN / LIGHT?


new to the forum =)

Just a quick question, I have a large green house set up in my garden that receives full sun exposure in the morning right up till lunch, then it maintains what I would call "partial shade" where our fense causes a shadow. I live in Australia so our summer is very hot and the sun is usually booming all day.

Do you think I could have problems given that after lunch it wouldn't receive any direct sun ?

Right now most things are growing perfectly in there, tomatoes are going wild. I only plan on growing one relitavely small plant, using strain skunk #1 from planet skunk.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Nothing beats good old Mr. Sun. Go for it. Direct sunlight is not needed and too much can actually hurt your plant, especially that hot Aussie sun. Plants absorb different spectrums of light so even if your plant is somewhat shaded, the ambient light still helps photosynthesis. This is a part of why you will hear people chastising others for clipping leaves that supposedly block the undergrowth from getting light. Even though it may be shaded, as long as there is light hitting the leaves your plants will thrive as it feeds off the different spectrums, not just direct, bright light.
Ledhead, thanks mate. Much appreciated!!!!!! I'm gonna give it a go. Hoping to go completely organic and outdoors just the way nature intended. .. my first grow so fingers crossed!