quick replies needed! about to water/feed....pics

Hey everyone.

:bigjoint:First Grow
:bigjoint:Im late in my 4th week of flowering.
:bigjoint:2 plants and one teeny clone. Clone is just over 8" Smaller plant just over 12" and the bigger is just over 24".
:bigjoint:Bag seed,but two known strains seeds were found in was Bubba Kush and Jack the Ripper
:bigjoint:vegged 2 months under 250w(actual) CFL
:bigjoint:originally potted in MGorganic then transplanted to a mix of MGO, Black Gold organic, and perlite.
:bigjoint:Feeding general hydroponics by nute sched. on box.
:bigjoint:Clone's soil ph is at 6.5 the others at 7 Never actually tested the run-off...
:bigjoint:Switched out all cool white CFL with warm and added 150w HPS for flowering.

These girls have had their share of problems, and Im honestly a bit surprised they've made it this far with all of the mistakes that have been made.

So the smaller female, we'll call her Teeny, some of her lower fan leaves started to yellow early on in veg. Matured very early on, thought there was a possibility of some auto genetics.
Then there was an apple cider vinegar (makeshift fungus gnat trap) fiasco, and about 1/2c spilled into the soil. Did half a flush, but the damage was done. within a day or two, the plants leaves were curling, and crumbling.
Those leaves fell off and the ph was back to 7 so we figured everything was ok now.
Well its been about a month since then, and they had seemed to be doing fine until a few days ago I noticed brown/copper spots on Teeny and there is one section on the larger plant that is exhibiting a lot of the same signs..
It also looks like something is munching thru some of the leaves? idk what though.

Now before I go upstairs to water/feed them - what do you think the problem is?
PH too high? (the clone at 6.5 is doing perfectly fine)
Nute lock out?
Calcium def.?
Boron def.?
Should I give them any nutes at all? Or plain ol water?

IMG_2191.jpgThe clone hangin out by herself...looks ok, right?

Teeny :(

Big Mamma


Yeah looks like a multiple deficiencies. I'd give em a micro-nutrient feed next time with their regular flowering ferts. Not sure which one you'd get where you are, but might's well get so,ething that does all the micros at once anyway.


Well-Known Member
IMO-Looks like you have Phosphorus Deficiency going on, and it looks like your pH might be off.

Good Luck on Your Grow.