Quick smoke from harvest?

I taste a little bit early every time, and all I do is chop a bud fine so it dries faster and spread those choppings on top of a ballast for about 20 minutes or so. If you don't have a ballast put it between two sheets of newspaper and shove a 42w cfl or similar bulb on it, again 20 minutes or so.

Microwave tasting has always turned out bad, very bad tasting and kills too much tch too easily. Maybe that other microwave method is better that someone posted earlier but it's just so so easy to overdo it as microwaves vary wildly.
who is that bitch fooling that why we smoke in the first place, tell the holy santified mf
to step the f off get a life like he has not every sampled early!
everyone knocks microwave but it didnt taste too bad and got me well high.....

was one bud on a plant... no harm done... i wouldnt pick anymore tho
necrobumping this thread because this post deserves it.

just tried it.. high as shit. spread the good word.

comming from the pro of 'sampling buds' before harvest, i have found that the best way to quick dry the wet planty bud, is to steam dry it. get an ordinary microwaveable plastic container. put a dry piece of kitchen towel, maybe torn in half, on the bottom of the container, then chop a few buds to a smallish size so it dries out quicker, therfore keeping more un-evaporated thc in the spliff, and then place the buds on the paper towel. Next, wet two paper kitchen towels and dry them out so they are not dripping, but slightly wet. it helps if they are attached when wetting them! now poke a hole or two in the paper towels which you have placed over the buds, and put the lid about 3/4 the way on.
Put in the microwave and 'cook' for one minute.
take everything out and dry any moisture that will be in the container.
get the other, dry torn half of the paper towel and put the drier but still moist buds on it.
make sure the paper towels are still wet and do the same thing as many times as you need to until you are happy. steam dried bud actually tastes nice, smooth and gets you very stoned. you should try it.