Quick soil question


I need to know what kind of soil i need to use? not just the name but also the N-P-P levels and please only stuff that i can buy at walmart or lowes


okay... so i saw a post and it gave me the idea to see if it worked..... i got a buddy that is a vendor for walmart.. so while he was working i pretended to work and i literally check all the Ph levels in All the bags of potting soil, top soil, mixes...etc...... here are my 2 recomendations.... 1st(cause its cheap and everywhere) is miricle grow organic potting soil,, brown bag..i got 32qt bag for like 4 bucks the Ph is 7-7.5 and consistant i have homemade compost that i mix in with aswell.. the 2nd is ANYTHING from fox farm....buddy uses it and it does wonders.. i dont cause its like competition and fer cheap shit i dont do to bad... hope this helps...im still kinda new to this.. just bein helpful....


Well-Known Member
The soil you choose is VERY important. But what is just as important is HOW you use it. There are so many factors that go into choosing a medium. You cant just say use "Joe's Dirt" it worked good for me. You have to know what you are using, and how you should use it. I would stay away from any and all Miracle grow products, especially if you dont know what you are doing. Almost everyone has problems with MG.
Do you want to use a rich soil that will not require a lot of additional fertilizer? Do you want a less rich formula where you can decide what nutrients to add? You have to do enough research upfront to have SOME idea of what soil you need.
What ever soil you get your going to pretty much be stuck with it for a few months. Do you want to just try to grow once or do you want to actually learn how to grow? There is a TON of info here at RIU, including soil mix recipes. You have to learn what is that, what will this do, and what is that for? Its N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) and has nothing to do with PH. What is the ideal N-P-K? Again it depends on so many other things. There is no BEST dirt. Anyone who simply tells you what dirt to use isn't really helping without also telling you exactly how to use it.

If you do a little homework here on RIU, you will find that you want a fairly rich soil with very good drainage.
Search and read about "soil conditioners". I use hyponex soil from Kmart, but i add a lot of things to it, for specific reasons. i have been tweaking my formula for 4 grows now. I could give you the exact recipe but, you really need to know the "hows" and "whys" just as much as the "whats" Do you want to be given one fish, or do you want to learn how to fish for yourself?
I'm trying to help the best way I can here, and I wish you all the luck there is.


Well-Known Member
i'll second the miracle gro organic, having great results so far
had horrible results with miracle gro moisture control, my 2 cents



Thank yall all for the help. this is my first grow and i made a pc grow case yes i know i wont grow much but that doesnt matter bc im going to LST it and it has to be hidden from my roommates. i dont want to have to add to much to my plant bc i dont know but what my buddy did with his grow.