Quick Way to Raise Ph?


Active Member
Any takers? I'm stumped. I'm using powdered lime but i see it takes a while to get into the soil to really provide a benefit.


Well-Known Member
I have dealt with this in the past as well with soil and fox farm products as over time they can drive the soil ph down. I usually like to use light nutes and every couple weeks I do three straight waterings with no nutes, has worked well for me so far. good luck


Active Member
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or you can get liquid ph up if you needed $20 from GH and will last you years probably. It will buffer th ph up for a couple of weeks easy....don't use a lot though.


Active Member
Liquid pH up in soil? I didn't know that would work. Diluted, of course. I think ill get some. along with cal mag if this lime doesn't kick in soon.


Well-Known Member
liquid ph up/down aren't meant for soil. For immediate results, go with the baking soda. Careful though, a little goes a long way.

Edit: If the ph is real far out of whack, a soil flush may be in order instead.


Well-Known Member
ive been told baking soda as well, but since i am a noob, i would like to know what form is best to adimister the baking soda in? In the powder form it comes in or diluted in some water?



Well-Known Member
ive been told baking soda as well, but since i am a noob, i would like to know what form is best to adimister the baking soda in? In the powder form it comes in or diluted in some water?

It depends on things like ph, pot size, plant size, and root growth. Most would agree that mixing in the soil would be best, but for instance if the plants roots are already well developed you wouldn't be able to mix it in, so a water suspension would be needed, or sprinkle some on the surface of the soil and water it in.


Well-Known Member
Kool, thanks Rj +rep

It depends on things like ph, pot size, plant size, and root growth. Most would agree that mixing in the soil would be best, but for instance if the plants roots are already well developed you wouldn't be able to mix it in, so a water suspension would be needed, or sprinkle some on the surface of the soil and water it in.


Active Member
Haha it's hard to say how much is 'going easy with it'. My plants are rather small, probably 3 or 4 nodes tall about 10 inches but theyre suffering i believe. Probably nute lockout. 1 Tsp?


Well-Known Member
im not trying to hijack this thread, but since its on ph and my ph is a bit off as well, the ph in my 5 gallon pot is at a 5.5 and the plant looks to be exhibiting some nute burn.

i used jiffy organic potting mix plus with a few Dr. Earth organic soil amendments,
1/2 cup of each
bud and bloom booster 3-15-2
polyp bulb food 4-10-7
transplant fertilizer 2-4-2

10qts perlite
2tbsp bat guano 10-3-1
MG organic bone meal 6-9-0.

again, i dont mean to jack anyones thread, i understand if it is out of line.

thanks to all who reply


Well-Known Member
Like 5.8 ish give or take. I don't have a proper tester just a gauge from lowes that was cheap
That's not too far off. What size pots are they in?
What kind of soil are you using?
What type of ferts are you using?
Details......need some details, lol!

Sounds more like you might have a bit of a salt buildup from over fertilizing.

Edit: OK just saw your other post...
To be safe, 1 tablespoon in a gallon would be a safe starting point. Be sure to keep it mixed up good because it will settle pretty fast.


Active Member
That's not too far off. What size pots are they in?
What kind of soil are you using?
What type of ferts are you using?
Details......need some details, lol!

Sounds more like you might have a bit of a salt buildup from over fertilizing.

Edit: OK just saw your other post...
I've only fed them once with a fish emulsion and espoma plant tone top dressing. Ive backed off recently when i saw the pH was out of wack, added lime but I think ill do an epsom salt foliar spray and baking soda to get it where its gotta be currently.

EDIT: 5 Gallon bucket for one plant., 3 gallon for the other, and all the others are in fairly large holes.


Active Member
im not trying to hijack this thread, but since its on ph and my ph is a bit off as well, the ph in my 5 gallon pot is at a 5.5 and the plant looks to be exhibiting some nute burn.

i used jiffy organic potting mix plus with a few Dr. Earth organic soil amendments,
1/2 cup of each
bud and bloom booster 3-15-2
polyp bulb food 4-10-7
transplant fertilizer 2-4-2

10qts perlite
2tbsp bat guano 10-3-1
MG organic bone meal 6-9-0.

again, i dont mean to jack anyones thread, i understand if it is out of line.

thanks to all who reply
No worries at all sir - Ive been using even less nutes than you but by the look of your lineup it seems pretty healthy. Maybe a smidge too much N? Don't quote me though I'm as new to this as anyone.