quit smoking...


Well-Known Member
i wanna quit but my dr. keeps telling me i'm healthy. he says smoking's not good but i am in perfect health.
Does your doctor have a camera that takes pictures of the emerging tumors on your lungs? Trust me I know all about this subject. My dad smoked for 40 years and ended up having a 6 way bypass because of it, unheard of for the most part. My uncle just passed away last week for smoking for 40 years as well from lung cancer. The research is done. It's not worth it.


Well-Known Member
yeah smoking is bad news, yet very very cool,
but my grandfather smoked 3 packs/day for the 30 some years i knew him and longer, just to die from kidney failure at 75.

my grandmother is still smoking like a fiend(and drinking too) at seventy something
and she probably can still kick my ass.

my personal reason for quitting was $4 a pack,
but now i can walk the dog for many miles without passing out, so the benifits keep rolling in

im not a militant nonsmoker. if you want to smoke, cool, you should smoke then.

its your right, protect it.


Well-Known Member
I smoked Cigs for 10 years and loved them but my addiction was so strong I could nail a cig in under a minute and smoked as soon as I woke up! I went to an "Alan Carrs" How to give up smoking seminar and i never had another.Never crave.Never miss it with a Beer! It was genious as I really tried EVERYTHING else and cdnt do it!Just smoke pure daily now.